Monday, September 2, 2013

Deceit and deception by a failed and fearful regime


Anonymous said...

Hey Josie! Your leader touted that there was going to be a very big rally in Vieux-Fort. But what happened?

It was all a funny joke! Just like you Josie.

Anonymous said...

But Josie is right. The Kenny and the SLP are have failed. The writing is on the wall. The UWP in its present form of recyled politicians may not be the best engine to carry our country forward, but there is no denying that Kenny has runned out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

If Kenny has run out of ideas, perhaps he can do better recycling old ones he has abandoned. But you have on the other hand a jackass without any whatsoever.

Unemployed. Perhaps, even unemployable without getting that job.

The only idea is to do whatever it takes, even stooping low to conquer, in order to become prime minister but fomenting public disturbances in the pursuit of this single idea.

Which one is worse?

House Niggers, Uncle Toms, and yard-fowls will forever be with us, writing for their paydays.

MR. "T" said...
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Anonymous said...

3 rd blogger. Why don't you shut up!!!! You have no balls and no right to call others House niggers, uncle toms and yard fowls. Why don't you exmin the horns before you write junk.

Anonymous said...

SHIT, SHIT AND MORE SHIT. If you ask me.

Every body FED UP!

Anonymous said...

It would be comical if it were not so dangerous when you hear the wanna be Che going by the name of Alva Baptise spewing so much hate and war mongering against Allan Chastanet.

This failure of a foreign minister, costing the people of this country £250,000 + annually, is so desperate to retain his flow of dollars to his pocket that he has reverted to his previous histronics as when he used to mimic the sonerous voice of his one time mentor Geogre Odlum.

If he were alive Odlum would have quickly ecognized Alva Baptiste for the party hack and liberal/socialist singing for his supper and living off of the blood sweat and VAT of the people of our lovely country.

He now looks and sounds like an Idi Amin akin to his boss' Mugabe persona.

But be afraid St. Lucia. The Alva's of this world have one objective and it is to retain power and keep on living off of the people for as long as possible. Having tasted the fruits of the labor of St. Lucians he is not about to let go - he sweats at nights fretting about the loss of this windfall.

Between him and the clown at the UN and the opportunist in London this country is paying over $1.5 million annually to keep them in the good times. That will be $7.5 million by 2016.

What do we have to show for it? An occasional photo op in his plush office with some foreign functionary that brings nothing to St. Lucia ! The spewing of hatred at the UWP and Chastanet at every little part gathering of the hacks in some part of St. Lucia every weekend.

Interspersed with that is $2,500 airline flights every two weeks along with $400/day per diems to meetings where Alva accomplishes nothing that we can identify except for his accumulation of wealth on the backs of unemployed and destitute St. Lucians !

But they read the tea leaves badly. With the syncophants around them they think all is fine but every Cabinet meeting when they see how bare is the coffers they have an inkling that not is all well. Kenny keeps them in check with his Jeckyl and Hyde persona making them think that all can be contained but he knows otherwise. The people are near their boiling point.

The person on this blog who says Kenny is running out of ideas is wrong - he never had any to begin with. After 12 years in power he is still trying to do in year 13 what he failed to do in year 1. There are no IDEAS because his only agenda like Alva has been the accumulation of his power and wealth - which he has done very successfully.

I think that there is soon to be a tectonic shift in the tactics of the SLP. They are desperate. The 3rd world, strong arm tactics will soon begin as they can no longer borrow and lie and mismanage without electoral consequences. Be very afraid St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

I can understand Mr. Josie's instinct to blame the prime minister for the economic and social ills of St. Lucia but I would take modest exception to his statement that " the SLP government of Kenny Anthony has failed." Mr. Josie's penchant for hyperbole has diminished what would have otherwise been a cogent and thoughtful analysis. In so doing, he has obfuscated the truth and is about to be withered to near irrelevance.

Mr. Josie in his hasty analysis failed to mention the economic, social and political ineptitude of the previous administration which brought us to today's malaise. He did not want to be seen as violating his party's orthodoxy but as an astute commentator he should examine the problem in its totality. In attacking Prime Minister Anthony stewardship of the economy, Mr. Josie has engaged in hyperbole at times - as with his claim.

St. Lucia is not a fail state as Peter Josie wants us to believe. A fail state is one without functioning institutions. We should dismiss Mr. Josie's comments as rhetorical exuberance.

Anonymous said...

Comrade Josie, there is still hope for you if you would only move to Cuba.

Stupid commie people live there. Why not go there?