Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Evil that Stalks St. Lucia


Anonymous said...

Jeff you need to stop your propoganda on ALBA. Why don't you talk to the people in the LPM party to enlighten yourself and your readers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the likes of Jeff are trying hard to be relevant and of substance.

Kenny made his bed better than them; so their jealousies of Kenny could knows no bound, it could even cut through "harden diamond".

Jeff, you lie how you make you bed...don't go hating on Kenny, who made his bed better than you, it could cause you cancer.

Anonymous said...

Get a better picture. Any demented person if one were to suggest it by way of a picture, would be that one well captured in the newspaper associated with your missives reeking with distortion, all misguided and unmistakably self-serving.

Anonymous said...

Well said. All right thinking St. Lucians; from whatever party fully agrees with the sentiments in this article.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jeff one thing you forget to mention in your write up is Kenney Anthony is Dr. Evil and is a hard core communist to the bone, trained by the Castro brothers.
Not surprise by his recent behavior!

Anonymous said...

Jeff if you want to write please write about the last five years of a united workers party regime, Write about the millions that was collected after tropical storm Debbie, and where did these moneys go to.
Write about all the Taiwanese moneys that was given to all the ministers for their constituency and what did they do with it.
Write about after the St Jude fire, How much millions did they receive and where did this money went too.
Write about The new political leader of the united workers party, His stance on issues regionally and internationally.
Please don't be a Kenny hater because you don't have your way and believe you are singing for your supper, gone are those days when we as lucians live in a black bottle.[no more bouteille noir]
You are the reason why St lucians suffer [bad journalism]

Anonymous said...

lLPM never said that Alba was the way forward for the people of St Licia. Base on what I read, they said they supported it in principle but stared their reservation. As far as I can see there is still a lot that we don't know about Alba.

MR. "T" said...

Jeff time 2 grow up, Jeff stop that hurting of your own heart.
Jeff Kenny gave u that got-horn and then married the woman and the 2 now have children/grandchildren.
Jeff u can write all your shit about Kenny that will not change a bloody----thing.
Jeff u never thought a little 'SUCKING OF THE FINGER" was what she really wanted from u, but u had no "MACHONESS" in u, so KENNY did not only "SUCK HER FINGER" He suck her "BIG TOE" And that blow her top, she went head over to his promise bed. lol.

Jeff 4get the woman.

Anonymous said...

Politics and Racism in St. Lucia

The issue about Chastanet’s blackness is not the real point in this debate.

The real issue is that the liberals see politics as the bastion of their freeness and they want to make sure that the spigot of money from the tax payers and VAT payers of St. Lucia is not turned off.

Kenny Anthony like his counterpart Obama in the USA has never had a job in his life that did not depend on the taxpayers of their countries. Whether at CARICOM or UWI or in the St. Lucia Government Kenny has always mooched off of the taxpayers of St. Lucia or the Caribbean. He has never had to compete in the real marketplace but has made his millions OFF OF THE PEOPLE OF ST. LUCIA.
Even when given just a little bit of responsibility he cannot help but lose a suitcase of money yet this is the person entrusted with the billions of dollars that have passed through the national treasury since 1997. That is why he can only function in the liberal freeness environment in places like UWI, the CARICOM Secretariat and the GOSL where money is legislated out of the pockets of the taxpayer to give to these parasites.

Therefore for the Alva Baptistes and Pat Browns it is not about racism. The call of racism is the liberal hammer to hit anyone who would threaten their freeness from the public purse.

Alva Baptiste never had a ‘real ‘ job in his life not dependant on the public purse. He ‘fraid’ of losing his massive salary and £400/day per diems when he travels all over the world on the peoples’ VAT money.

That is the real agenda. To keep up the pretence that the ALVAS or KENNYS or PHILLIPS or EMMAS care about St. Lucians. They do not care a damn. All that matters is that the spigot of millions from borrowing VAT and taxes is not stopped.

Anonymous said...

Little Cas: Yardfowl! Yardfowl! Where is that damn yardfowl?

Yardfowl: Yes master. Yes master.

Little Cas: I want you to write another one of those nasty little pieces in the newspapers. The little thing on the bridge did not go all that well.

Yardfowl: Yes master. I doing my best to get nastier.

Little Cas: You know what they say in marketing. Bad publicity is still good publicity. Your name is still in the news. You know that we are both looking for a nice little political job. If I win, you win.

Yardfowl: Yes master. Yes master. I will get it there on time for the deadline, master.

Anonymous said...

Kenny = "intoxicated with political power"

101% perfect analizes of a man who changes his original SLP manifesto to stay as prime minister.

Son-of-man said...


That was brilliant:

Fedee is a very, very angry Negro, and I will add dangerous. His hatred of the Lucian People's choosing Labour to govern their affairs has driven this man to madness and sedition.

The people who voted Labour should never leave their drinks unattended, as they will certainly be poisoned by this angry and bitter lunatic, Fedee.

The security forces should keep a close eye on this delusional Lunatic - did he say everything was tranquil in Lucia; no killings, no hit-squad after Claudius Francis, until Labour began to govern LOL - police should be checking his residence for pipe-bombs and cyanide - LOL

Misyey En-wa-gjey ! Fedee's anger and bitterness is palpable; or maybe he should be placed on suicide watch, for the safety of Lucians and saving him from self-mutilation?


Son-of-man said...


I miss the days when they would just pick-up people for smoking a Joint and remand them to La TOC to eat dry coconuts - this guy Fedee is the best case for mental illness and dry coconut therapy. LOL


Anonymous said...

It is worrisome the base vulgar comments from the yardfowl SLPs on this board. Reminds people of the tonton macoute of Haiti and the goons of Gairy's Grenada and the killing fields of the Grenada Revolution.

I do not remember such savagery with the SLP of old. What has happened to that party?

Anonymous said...

Time has a way of showing us things. ALBA could be a useful tool but it is just another LOAN that must be repaid by the people. A countr ythat is not taking care of its poor but wants to give to small islands. I wonder why ? Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden we see a press release that canada and st lucia are to tighten relations.
what happen? They tryibg to show that idi amin alva is earning his $250,000 salary and per diems!! Lol !

Them fellas would not know how to work with the canadians or americans if you gave them 300 years in power. They too undignified and useless.

Anonymous said...

It took us 60 plus years to generate and cultivate these legions of yard fowls. The disease has now become virulent. Even those now complaining and often so bitterly are not immune from any of it.

Anonymous said...

What this maggot is writing feverishly week after week for Saint Lucians to accept is, a very highly tainted character with a lot of political baggage, who is part and parcel of the goons that control the UWP. Like them, he has no credibility left.

Anonymous said...

September 18 at 10.23AM Blogger; I don't know Jeff Fedee; and do not care to. I read his article; and it makes complete sense on my following of events and reading the newspapers in St. Lucia.

You are the one in my view that seem to be a very sick individual; with a very degenerate mind.


You frankly; JUST STINK, verbally speaking.