Tuesday, October 29, 2013



Anonymous said...

nothing 2 do with what the pass.

just money making?


Anonymous said...

why only were the slp win the sits have to to they thing. were are the places st.luica is not they country it belong to us

Anonymous said...

We can have all the Creole Days or months we like but this is irrelevant as we look at the horrendeous downward trajectory of our culture and society. We have been so dumbed down by our liberal/socialist/progressive politically correct environment that all is left are the 'circus' events to keep us numbed and entertained. Sex, abortions,rum and chicken!

We have increased the National Debt - mainly by the SLP but at just as a fast a rate under the last UWP Administration. Our debt has grown by $2 billion since 1997 and is climbing towards $3 billion.

The Prime Minister Kenny Anthony and his useless deputy Phillip Pierre have now identified Petro Caribe as another way to increase the debt to bankrupt our children and grandchildren!

Borrowing under the PetroCaribe is like going to the bank for an inreasing loan to put gas in your car.
It is simply amazing how a mismanaging incompetent like Kenny Anthony can repeatedly borrow to cover his incompetence, year after year, and we still get bamboozled by his stupidity and 'kenny and tony' pronouncements !

But he is not only to blame because the increasing inefficient civil service, the grasping businessmen continue to prop him up as long as he can borrow enough. How useless has become the Chamber of Commerce.

Yet the debt problem is only a symptom af the greater decline. Unemployable youth because the intelligent and hard working ones are leaving our shores. The increasing single mother households - we have the highest out of wedlock birthrate in the world. Increasing crime and worsening internal security. More and more inefficiency in Government.
Increasing unemployment. Businesses closing down. Opportunities wasted.

Unfortunately it is only going to get much worst.
Unemployment will hit 30%.
The EC$ will have to be devalued as all the OECS territiries are bankrupt and the liberal more developed countries are soon going to go through a major recession.
Crime will increase.
Population dempgraphics will decline.

On a daily basis we deal with micro isues but we fail to see the forest for the trees and the major decline to come.

Happy Creole (Cruel) Decade !

Anonymous said...

what the "Fu+-.+*" are u trying to say???