Saturday, February 27, 2010

World’s top hotels support Haiti benefit in Canada



Anonymous said...

Who, in the name of all that is right and good, can afford to blow $2,400.00 US on a room per night?

And if they have that kind of cash, would'nt it be better used in some lasting philanthropic endeavor?

In a country where people work for $50.00 EC a day.
Makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Well, you should check into a mental institution, you sure sound sick.

Anonymous said...

befor you decide to give all your money to the top corrupt country in the world you better do your history,i feel so sorry for the people in Haiti but you all know that their government will pocket it all why play dumb, just to show off that you have a heart, get serious. do you know what over throughing a government is about, until Haiti gives its rights back to the white man they will never pull through.