Saturday, July 24, 2010

¡Hola! ¿Qué pasa? This is what’s happening in Soufriere



Anonymous said...

What about French, we are more French than even English, all our towns, villages, roads, the city and every corner of Sainte Lucie is French, but nooooooo we want to be indoctrinated by Chavez.

I think Alliance Français is sleeping.

Anonymous said...

lucians are a funny breed of people. what about french? Just be grateful some people are getting some training. No need to go in that direction.

Anonymous said...

So why don't those Spanish tourists learn some f.....k English before they go on holidays, why do we have to constantly bend for them.

Anonymous said...

Chavez has his ulterior motives because he doesn't give anything for free, he is a greedy puerco.

Anonymous said...

Wow why are we so pessimistic? The people of Soufriere saw a need to better themselves to meet the demands of the Tourism industry and all we can do is be ignorant. Wow i am amazed at us St. Lucians. That is why we will always be backward.
They decide to study apanish because they have many spanish visitors and the language is more foreign to them than the Fremch. We should just embrace the opportunity and stop seeing whats wrong about it. Those complaining, what have you done to help your country. Trust me, complaiining without action does nothing. It just makes you bitter and ignorant. If you think they should learn french then that it quite fine. Organize it. Play your part. In the mean time, if you cannot make a positive contribution, then ZIP it.

Anonymous said...

WE don't want to go forward with Chavez, anybody else but that wacko.

Anonymous said...

What has Chavez done to you?