Saturday, August 17, 2013

Are We Living In A Democracy?


Anonymous said...

Never before? Well yes. Never before in the short history of this country have we seen 51% of the population made up largely of Nignogs, House Niggers, and lame-brained Uncle Toms ever tried so darn hard to sell and sacrifice the 98% black population, on the alter of partisan interest to further their own narrow personal ambitions.

Anonymous said...

We had a kleptocracy passing for a government last time and weren't we ominously silent? What's eating you out?

Anonymous said...

Excellent article exposing the incompetent clueless manager who once more is riding rough shod over our country.
Where oh where is the so called black fighting spirit of our forefathers as we succoumb to the fraud of the new slavedriving VAT pushing party hack gift giving SLP.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The article is good to show the other side,
the timing is not that good.
Facts like the written ones are more effective before election.

Anonymous said...

Voting is not the end all or be all of what people think a democracy is. After the shysters get Saint Lucians vote for either corned beef and beer or rum, that is where the democracy begins and ends. What an asinine question this is, Jeff!

Anonymous said...

I think this is the end of all democratic countries who have labour as a ruling government.The problem in the Caribbean is they only have two party system and you vote in power what you have.The people of St.Lucia complain about Allen Chastanet being white but yet still they are happy to travel to the white man's country and you depend on the white man for TOURISM to sustain your economy .DOUBLE STANDARD OR WAHT?

Son-of-man said...


Here is an example of a yellow belly bully who went looking for a fight, and when he found it he started to cry that he - that low-life Fedee, was being kicked in the ass, and Lucians should only listen to him.

What a hypocrite!!

Democracy means we should only hear the propaganda spewed by this reprobate Fedee.

Anonymous said...

Because of the cultural antipathy for anything intellectual in the public domain, we get simplistic approaches by those asking asinine questions like the headline above.

FIRST of all, our education system has NEVER EVER been organized to make us more responsible citizens. We have never had such leadership. No Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. No Martin Luther King. Power hungry communist rabble rousers? Plenty. Yes.

SECOND, we have NEVER EVER been blessed or fortunate to have any one in leadership in this country, belonging to any political movement who had VERY DEEP PHILOSPHICAL UNDERPINNINGS REGARDIND DEMOCRACY. This bears repetition. Check your memory or do some reading on the matter, if you are NOT just another typical Saint Lucian.

Don't most of us believe that we are past the learning stage in our lives, once we leave school? And mind you, just about any school, for that matter? It is the culture.

We have failed to evolve both politically, and to a very large damaging extent economically.

What we got for an independence constitution was something that MINIMALLY allowed for a vote -- once every five years. (And that is whether or not the voter clearly or even minimally understands the issues, or the ramifications, which most of us as clearly emerging from the container-ship loads of inanities appearing in the local media, don't give one darn fig about.) To most, once the government gets the majority MOST OF US THINK, just as this writer, ipso facto WE HAVE A DEMOCRACY. That our job as citizens is done.

In other words, we have a prime minister? Yes. We have a democracy.

After all, did NOT the political culture that evolved from the struggle to erode power from the King, emerging from Judaic-Christian concept of "The Devine Right of Kings" emerge after hundreds of years of summary executions, beheadings, communal bloodshed, and other types of VIOLENT political persecutions in England? Wasn't that given to us on a platter, as a fait accompli, but only wrapped with a very MINIMALIST set of checks and balances, on the person replacing the powers of the historical and biblical King, called the prime minister, but leaving us EXPOSED, in effect, to the whims and fancies of A CONSTITUTIONALLY ENSHRINED DICTATOR? Look at the past and around you now. Read the writings of the constitutional scholars from the region.

How many of us Saint Lucians have ever understood the outrageous behaviour of the educated idiots on the so-called Constitutional Review Committee? Neither of them, evidenced being at all steeped in, or seemed guided by any deep knowledge of political philosophy or armed with democratic underpinnings. Little wonder they all blissfully echo-chambered their group-think, going ahead and blithely recommended an even greater transfer of power away from the citizenry to an already ENTRENCHED constitutional dictatorship. They took us again back to the pre-Magna Carta era. But who cares?

Those of us who fully understand the ramifications of their several asinine recommendations should feel a deep sense of betrayal and moral outrage!

Now we're experiencing another round, another avalanche of ignorant, half-baked, cuckold, and simplistic arguments being made, and with all the home-grown sophistry, couched in the name of equality and democracy. Yet, to the keen observer, they all point to the acceptance of the continued marginalization of the poorer underclass, our working poor, who account for most of the SUPPRESSED 98 percent black population of the country.

Clearly, most Saint Lucians are not enlightened and educated enough to feel any great concern and capacity (empowerment) AT THE PERSONAL LEVEL, to change the status quo which seeks the continued institutionalization of our very high level of disguised unemployment and the perpetuation of economic slavery.

Anonymous said...

Is he trying out to be the Press Secretary for the UWP under Chasnet?

Anonymous said...

"There are philosophical considerations that go beyond personal gain, and if any of the messengers of the SLP had a conscience or personal pride and dignity, they would have come to the realization that it is better to live in a hut and be free, than live in a mansion and be a slave, who in order to gain favour with the master, the slave would betray and torment his own kind. - I see parallels between persons in the Labour Party with whom I have a common origin and bondage, selling their souls for a mess of pottage."-- That’s what’s happening now with your campaign to be his press secretary. Selling the soul of the 99% for the 1% white and entitle aristocrats with the aim to return this country to family rule. What a shame!!

"Those men who now defend Kenny Anthony should look deeply into their hearts and souls and contemplate the disservice they do to a man known for his magnanimity, generosity and love of humanity."--- Same can be said of Allen Chastanet!

And by the way Allen rise to Political leader was a scam to be exposed later!

Hope he has more to spend than he did in the last election - waiting patiently.

Anonymous said...

To Jeff and the worshipers of this Khaki-coloured God, remember that we know that the good book says in Jeremiah 17:9:

'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?'

Such repeated acts of desperation and reckless mendaciousness in your various rants in the media point to just one thing. We don't trust you. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are creating a very dangerous impression that the only people fit to govern at the top must be of a lighter skin complexion. That is so sickening.

Anonymous said...

Is that what it boils down to when you are fired by Kenny?Over to Rick and Jeff.Hatred is worse than cancer practice forgiveness and pray for Kenny instead>Stop being hatershe is

Anonymous said...

@ % 5:37

You are absolutely on target. Rick Wayne, and Fedee will both die from Kenny-Cancer.

I can understand Kenny plugged Jeff woman, but Rick Wayne just feels HE should be PM - But Jeff was on Rick's paper and was not praising Rick enough, so he comes to kill Kenny in the much more intelligent readers of the Voice?

way to go Jeff before you die!

Tia said...

Anonymous @ 5:21 your memory may be flawed. John Compton was light skin,he did a lot for the country and people of St.Lucia, Stephenson King is dark skin what did he do? Kenny Anthony is light skin and he is completely destroying the country. Maybe think you are the one with colour issue. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK OR WRITE.

Anonymous said...

2:29 AM how is Kenny destroying the country? We have to be honest, what did Compton more than Kenny for St Lucia? Let us compare the two men work in St Lucia, Compton had 30 yrs plus. Kenny have only about 11 yrs. Look around St Lucia properly and we will talk.

Anonymous said...

I meant what did Compton for St Lucia more than Kenny?

Anonymous said...

@2:29 John Compton had guaranteed banana prices. He completely missed the signal from Geest. The banana industry in Saint Lucia was doomed.

The WTO that John Compton did not seem to understand nor study what he was signing, was signing banana's death certificate.

John Compton with VESTED BUSINESS INTERESTS in bananas, like Allen Chastanet does, in his father's food distribution monopoly, committed Saint Lucia to deepen its dependence even further on bananas.

He returned. This time, without of the false independence price guarantee, he canvassed on the revival of banana cultivation.

Unthinking Chastanet, who has vowed to follow Compton, has simply replaced the word 'revival' with the word 'renewal'..

Once again, without any clarity of purpose, nor any concrete plans, but singing for their supper, worshippers of the emerging Chastanet dynasty are asking us to endorse a failed Air Jamaica marketing executive to lead an economy

Air Jamaica dropped from the skies. So did the career of its marketing executive. He is back here looking for a job and a pension.

All that the self-loathing House Niggers, and Uncle Toms in the UWP are foot soldiers for the newly-minted Chastanet dynasty.

Their reasoning is this. With the father steering the economy from the backseat of the UWP government, what is good for the Chastanets is good for Saint Lucia.

Didn't the UWP have a more educated candidate, with a doctorate and with more clout, with a voice in the House/ And isn't she more representative of the 98 percent black population? Further, isn't she representative of the entire 51% of the population, she being female?

Wouldn't her ascendancy make a very strong case for a reduction in the marginalization of our women?

Tell us then, why is UWP burdening the country with a man carrying such political baggage as
1. Sacking the poor workers as one of his first acts in Soufriere, a constituency where, still unelected, you hoped to gain their votes? Does this man have any emotional intelligence?

2. Wasted undisclosed sums of money to freight cool air seating on empty plane seats into Saint Lucia. By Some stretch of his imagination that to him represented airlift.

3. Arrogantly refusing to disclose to the public any account when called upon, of the what that egregious blunder was costing taxpayers. It is as if he was a lord unto himself. He was not even damn well elected. What extremes will he go to and how responsive will he be if he were, as his yardfowls and the Cheshire Cat is salivating about, ever made prime minister?

4. Using gimmicky marketing, in another waste of scarce national resources, like in the 'Emperor's New Clothes' he fell for a ridiculous and a thud for a boxing promotion.

5. Taking sides with the racketeers in the UWP cabinet and cabal that passed for a cabinet, by authorizing ministerial tax evasion for the benefit of fellow cabinet member. How much more collusion was in the works? We don't know. He took no exception to that act. He was just one of them.

6. Giving less than satisfactory testimony under oath, before an Appeals Court in the Tuxedo Villa Affair. Under oath that was. Now tell us what happens when there is no oath directing you to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

7. Raising scores of waving and bristling question marks about campaign funding and financing during the last elections regarding the Soufriere candidacy.

Most Saint Lucians absolve you from your sins, once you are of a certain skin type and complexion, irrespective of your years of dishing out your high-handed political victimization as in the case of Anse La Raye and Canaries, and other questionable conduct, the sordid details of which need not detain us here.

Why is the UWP not a more progressive organization? With Chastanet still struggling and groping for a national narrative, what is it that debarred Dr. Rigogert from leading the party, other than that she is female and is of a much darker complexion?

Anonymous said...

If Chastanet had a black skin lots of bloggers had nothing to write.

He could not choose his skin when he born.

Anonymous said...

there are still lots of questions to ask concerning his candidacy in Soufriere, Mr litten Lamontagne who was owner of fond doux was almost bankrupt when chastenet step in this was where he sleeps whiles in Soufriere, Who was chairman of the foundation [litten] His wife Eroline who runs the supermarket in Soufriere under pays his workers and speak to them as though they are nothing, these were the people chastenet align himself with.
Now we still need to know all the Taiwanese funds that was given to chastenet did not spend in Soufriere, Mr litten along with pinnock was spending the foundation money for his campaign
He chastenet bring in third world to sing three songs for the people of Soufriere.
Who paid all this, Did it came from chastenet pocket or someone paid the bills for him.
Now I wonder how Juke bois feel about TI PREN TOUTE, After undermining his boss Stevenson king. Maybe now Mr fedee is singing for his food.
The two most dangerous evils in our society are the media and Journalist. They failed to leave by the truth.
Why don't we start getting good journalism, Why air Jamaica drop from the sky, His involvement as minister of tourism.His Business Dealings in St lucia, Where did he went to school, His lies before the court at the Tuxedo villa case.
His involvement and candidacy in Soufriere.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet as leader of the UWP is nothing but a can of worms. We are hiring, supposedly, a team. What is good for the Chastanets' business monopoly and other interests is good for Saint Lucia. No?

All what those House Niggers and Uncle Toms want is to give this unemployed man, and very likely this unemployable airline marketing ex-CMO (age, failure of Air Jamaica's executive management team, that carrier having plummeted from the skies.) is to grant Chastanet his wish for a pensionable job.

After that, they expect that they too will be rewarded, as yard-fowls, for their efforts with sinecure-type do-nothing jobs.

(a) Why not just simply sacrifice the majority careless, fun-driven, supine, Stockholm-Syndrome-stricken, and self-loathing majority 98% black population, on the alter of the Chastanet family dynasty?

(b) Why not just let the son simply place his hands on the wheel, and let his father give all the orders as to where to go, from the back seat? After all, aren't we firmly committed to getting two for the price of one?

(c) Isn't it a fact of history that people of lighter complexion and tightly aligned with the white sections of populations have always taken the greatest interest in, and are on the record for bringing the majority black sections of their populations to the highest levels of social well-being and prosperity?

(d) Most important of all, isn't what's good for the Chastanets' business monopoly and other business interests, even better for all of Saint Lucia and all Saint Lucians?

Anonymous said...

"Whenever a person perceives a dangerous or threatening stimulus, there's a natural, reflexive tendency to contract. This contractive reflex usually involves a tightening of the neck and shoulder muscles, followed instantly by a tensing of muscles throughout the body. The exact pattern is specific to each of us. It's a defensive posture that prepares us for fight or flight, and it's part of our basic survival instinct."

"Many things can trigger this contractive reflex. They range from some very real external physical stimuli to some vague personal perceptions of danger. Criticism, fear of failure, and embarrassment can all trigger the contractive reflex....The mind doesn't distinguish the source of the threat. Our own fearful, negative thinking and self-talk can also produce the contraction. Indeed, for many of my clients, the most frequent source of tension, contraction, and dis-ease is what they say to themselves."

Taken from: Performing Under Pressure: Gaining the Mental Edge in Business and Sport
by Saul L Miller, John Wiley and Sons, 2010

Anonymous said...

The answer to the headline question is no. We are living in a kleptocracy.

The UWP established the precedent a long time ago under its founder. The pattern is for politicians to take all they can.

Last evidence of this was the organized Tuxedo Villa affair with cabinet members teaming up with an ex-con from the US, to defraud the taxpayers of the country whilst lining the pockets on a fellow cabinet member through the non-payment of legitimate taxes. We never had so many white-collar goons quite organized like this in what passed for a government ever before.