Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SLPYO Press Statement on Students at SALCC Library use


1 comment:

ME said...

I am a former student of SALCC, A'level and have been following the event. Please feel free to correct my ignorance, but is it not just the reading rooms which are temporarily unavailable? or is it the entire library. A statement from the school states that it is only the reading room, while reports from other sources states that it is the library.

While I agree that the matter must be dealt with speedily, the temporary unavailability of reading rooms should not be a hindrance to young, innovative and resourcefull minds exell in their pursuit of excellence. Education is not about being able to regurg information learnt, but the abiltity to use that information, and adapt to our constantly evolving world.

I say to the young scholars, adapt and continue to persevere. Those challenges you will embrace the future with (better prepared). Use this not as an excuse but as an opportunity to show your country its greatness (the ability of great minds to overcome).

To the authorities I challenge you as well to make the environment more amicable to the learning process.