Saturday, January 23, 2010

Haiti, US Senate Race-lessons to be learnt!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only lesson I have learnt from your superficial coverage of the two highlighted events is that you are a fool trying to fool us!

The role of CNN and mainstream US media is, and continues to be, the spouting of propaganda portraying the US as a benevolent 'force' in the region and the world! When are you going to highlight the role of the US regarding the socio-economic plight of Haiti?

And the reason why the majority of US citizens reject this Health Care Bill is because there's no reform in it; the bill was written by the Big Pharma to ensure it stayed as a sychophant middle man adding no value to the care and health of Americans. Democrats stayed at home for the special MA election as a lesson for corporate-bought Obama and the Dems in Congress, who oversaw the biggest weatlth transfer in the history of the world from ordinary tax-payers to the incompetent Wall Street banksters!