Thursday, May 5, 2011

Senator takes on Government’s Fuel Policy



Anonymous said...

Read this article and find it important I share it:

Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion: St Lucians should be exempt from this tax; and because of their much stronger currencies, only non-OECS citizens should have to pay this tax.

Anonymous said...

The rise in gas means a rise in everything, clothes furnishings food etc. Again it is the poor who have to pay the price, its businesses that use the largest amount of gas and can afford big cylinders, Crazy system or what!!
If the taxation system is flawed then review it so that the rich pay, then you can subsidise the poor. A democracy should be fair to all, its called Equality!

Anonymous said...

When will governments learn? There is/has not been any policy with a clear vision to address energy in St. Lucia and so every time there is an increase in fuel prices there is confusion because the reality is we don't produce fuel.

Why is there not a national biogas program that will cut significantly the use of propane gas as well as imported inorganic fertilizers? I guess they are too dumb, lazy to think and preoccupied seeing about their selfish interests.

Why is there not heavy investment in solar and wind technology? Imagine if we had a policy of utilizing rooftops with solar panels what the national cost of electricity would be. Yeah right! too expensive! Rubbish, there is enough aid for such programs as well as justification for government subsidy. EVEN WHEN THERE IS TALK ABOUT WIND ENERGY THEY WANT TO USE OUR SCARCE AVAILABLE LAND WHEN THERE IS OFFSHORE (IN THE SEA)WINDFARM TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE. THE MASSES MUST MAKE A MOVE AND GET INVOLVED ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.