Saturday, June 25, 2011

Global Warming Poses A Serious Threat To Small Island Developing States (SIDS)



Anonymous said...

Yeah! Right! The St. Lucian is now the new environmental messiah, or the environmental equivalent of Atlas! We will now be able to save the darn world, while our posteriors are mired in deep poverty. The 'ST' in 'St. Lucia' now stands for 'super trooper' (genius).

Armchair Anonymous said...

to Anon ...
(1) we live on a PLANET!!

(2) we are not the only ones on this PLANET EARTH.

(3) we HAVE TO be aware of our environment, and what we can do to protect it.

(4) we HAVE TO BE conscious of sooo many things we can do to make it better for us and the future.

(5) we SHOULD NOT wait for a government to DO THINGS for us. We should show that we can handle it ourselves - starting place, your home.

(6) we CAN and SHOULD be environmentally friendly ... by first PICKING UP OUR GARBAGE!!

(7) we CAN and SHOULD NOT throw our garbage indiscriminately in rivers, streams, roadsides, etc.

(8) we should educate ourselves (do not wait for the sleepy government), on what is available, and to use our God-given imagination and innovative skills (yes, we have those! and for FREE!!).

(9) SAVE your sarcasm in the deep recesses of your pockets.

(10) OPEN your mind, heart, and self to begin saving your back yard, your street, your community, your country, your place on the this planet: EARTH!

Anonymous said...

#1 is like the tea-party people in America, denying global warming...Stupid!