Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rick Wayne admits that the multi million dollar Daher building is derelict



Anonymous said...

Rick has proven over and over again that he is now a political prostitute. He now displays low sensibility and sincerity to truth when it comes to the uwp. It just makes me wonder who is benefiting from all the millions that the uwp has received from the Taiwanese and others.

Talk show hosts after talk show hosts appear to be bent on defending the government even in the face of incompetence and corruption. Lord have mercy on us...the love of money is the root of all evil.

Anonymous said...

As unpopular as it might be, the King government did the right thing in purchasing the Daher Building; after all, it was nothing but an eye sore along St.Lucia's #1 highway. If Kenny was in power, he would have done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone has the testicular fortitude to tell Rick Wayne where to jump off.

Anonymous said...

The ship is sinking and Wayne and his crew is trying to secure a life jacket to save his butt. Too late fella, sink in your filthy investment.

Anonymous said...

The ship is sinking and Wayne and his crew is trying to secure a life jacket to save his butt. Too late fella, sink in your filthy investment.

Anonymous said...

Pro-UWP talk show hosts in St. Lucia have gone hi-tech. They are broadcasting in 3D. Daily Doses of Dander!

Anonymous said...

The day of taking Rick Wayne seriously has passed. Rick now has limited credibility, he can no longer be truste4d to provide an independent appraisal on any issue in this country.
The once renowned Rick Wayne , has become a laughing stock in some quarters. This paragon of virtue , this vanguard of all that is moral in St.Lucia we now know he is a charlatan,a hypocrite. Remember Rick on Comptons morality rememember Rick how he destroyed the reputation of Brother George. Remember how Rick has used his paper to pursue a vendetta against Kenny Anthony, there is more much more.
Rick Wyne only has credibility among that disparate group who call themseves a government. His only role now is to act as an apologist for the current administration.
Believe me sad to say it but "Rick Wayne is on the Wane, never to be taken seriously by right thinking people in St.Lucia again.

Anonymous said...

this is Rick Wane- follow the link
then see if this guy can ever be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why Kenny sacked Rick Wane. Although Rick tried portray Kenny as lacking integrity, infact Kenny has been most honourable, with his knowledge of Ricks past Kenny did not expose him, even when Rick dishonoured Kennys mother in his book Kenny still did not expose him as the moral degenirate that he is.

sophia said...