Saturday, August 27, 2011

The First A.R.C.



Anonymous said...

It seems like most history concerning indeginous people contains a lot of untruths. The western world has written their version, which has lasted for centuries but scholars are finding great and grave discreptancies. will they ever admit to the lies and the false picture they paint of themselves.....its only a matter of time....the human race are not fooled for long!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is going to be one hell of a job to RE-WRITE HISTURY!
incorporating the true facts of events around the globe.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the author; Columbus couldn't have discovered any land that had already been peopled.
But his great contribution to history is the fact that he put the Western hemisphere on the map.

5,000 years of (Asian, African, and European) history, prior to Columbus' 1492 voyage, had failed to even mention the Western hemisphere; so in a sense, he did discover the new world.

He brought the existence of one race (the Native Americans) to the attention of the other three races. So he deserves a place in history.

Anonymous said...

Why do so many St Lucians put on a fake accent when they speak to visitors? You speak English fine, just be yourself. People didn’t come all the way out here for fakeness; it’s an insult to them.