Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Man For The Job



Anonymous said...

If he is so well placed and can do so much, why haven't we seen the developments in soufriere? after all he's the minister for tourism for almost 5 years. can he not work alongside the district rep. In my view, chastanet is just a good talker but if you examin carefully some of the things he says, you will realise that he is very shallow in his thinking. some of the decisions and positions he has taken when it comes to spending money leaves me wondering whether he would do the same if it was his own money.

Anonymous said...

You may not have read this article:

Ref: Caretaker? A bad deal for Soufriere

The people of Soufriere must be wondering, what have they done to deserve the constant parade of a caretaker that three Justices of Appeal from the Court of Appeal Document (HCVAP 2009/031) refer to as acting ‘unreasonably’ or ‘irrationally’ to describe the wrongfulness of his decision making.

Think again and hope you got paid for this advert.

Anonymous said...

Am beginning to get fuzzy reading stupidity and nonsensical writings in the voice-this has no validity and does not transmit knowledge and inspiration.
Upgrade or face a downgrade.

Anonymous said...

The man for the job:.

Not credible, un-trustwordy, lacks credibility, unreasonible, unrational, just some of the judges description The man for the job:.

Fertilized for votes in Soufriere, payment of hospital bills,food,water and lollipop,,,is this The man for the job?

The writer has a name - stand by what you write.

Anonymous said...

The writer, ask the man for the job,if he will debate Dalson, Melan, Harvey, and Alcindor in Soufriere, in an open forum.

Where is his plan's, what does he stand for? Who is he?

That's the show we need to discuss, issues, policy, ideas,achievement and solutions.

Stay tune!

Anonymous said...

With due respect, the writer of this article sounds like the absolute epitome of the HOUSE SLAVE!!! Shame on you sir!! You sound like someone stuck in the MUD of the plantations where our unfortunate African forefathers laboured like donkeys for the forefathers of people like Chastanet. As far as your shallow mind is concerned, Allen Chastanet's money and family wealth are what qualify him to be the Soufriere representative over such a clean and honest gentleman as Harold Dalson, notwithstanding Allen's known record of corruption and criminality in the Cabinet of Ministers on the Tuxedo Scandal. The people of Soufriere should be ashamed to have you as a neighbor. You know that you are a shameful citizen and for this reason you hide your identity! Although the road may be long and may seem unending Mister Dalson, keep up your good work and do not ever fail to continue to be the untainted gentleman that you are. The people of Soufriere will reward you with their trust and KICK the corrupt Allen Chastanet in his butt on election day. The people of Soufriere will not be fooled by the corrupt Chastanet's GLAN GLAN and empty brain. We do not need rich people to run our government's business! It is THEIR BUSINESS they will be taking care of as usual. MASSA DAY DONE!!! DONNA BAPTISTE.

Anonymous said...

Soufriere Resident, your mind is sick and needs purghes...

Anonymous said...

Chastanet/Minister of Air Travel does nothing for anyone except for his own benefits and privileges. Since he became minister he is more out of this country than he has been in it. And for the fool who wrote this piece, if chastanet has done nothing for soufriere during his five years in office what makes you think he will do something for the next five years. Some nice property in soufriere to enrich his pockets even more and pay a few locals a pittance would certainly make soufriere an attraction. then he can later boast he created employment and not tell of the milllions that the deals bought him. all chastanet has done under this government is to improve his family empire and make our tax payers spend endlessly on his endless travels abroad.This is what your honourable Travelling Minister is about.

Anonymous said...

"...Since he became minister he is more out of this country than he has been in it...
When you want fish, you go to where the fish are; the sea.
When you want tourists, you go to where the tourists are; viz Europe and North America.

Allen is the greatest tourism minister St.Lucia has known.

Anonymous said...

When you want fish, you go to where the fish are; the sea.

Yes: where are the fish? Can you show them to me? But who knows those illusive fish might exist somewhere in your befuddled mind, imbued by the propaganda that this article has fed. But hey, congrats to the writer, he has managed to net one more fool!!

Anonymous said...

As above said where is the fish Chastanet has caught with all the travelling he is doing? O yes we forgot he caught a few fishes. (1) He caught Hepples, giving him a huge tax free salary to do his work whiles he travels on holiday. (2) He brought Juke Bois to England on one of these holiday trips. (3) He fired 9 poor tour guides in Soufriere now he want then to vote for him. (4) He allow several thousands of our hard earn tax dollars to dissapear under his watch, one of his friends was arrested as a coverup and up to now nothing is heard about that again. (5) Record number of hotel workers are being layed off under his watch, as never seen before in St Lucia whiles he is out fishing. (6) In 2009 he received an award of "travel personally of the year" for travelling first class so frequently on our taxes. (7) I nearly forgot Chastanet promised the people of Soufriere pain er paineir. I have listed some of Chastanet achievements, can anyone list some more?

Anonymous said...

Dream on Fond StJacques resident
Everyone knows Allen is for Allen and allen only loves Allen. There is nothing in it except for Allen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, I can add another of Allen Chastanet's "achievements" to your list: he sat in the Cabinet of Ministers and participated with them in the criminal and illegal act of collusion to protect a St. Lucian TAX EVADER, Health Minister Dr. Keith Mondesir, from answering to the Laws of St. Lucia!! Never, EVER, forget that!! He was therefore a participant in the most serious crime that a government has ever committed in the entire history of our country. The Cabinet is therefore on our history records as a CABINET OF CRIMINALS!!! DONNA BAPTISTE.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Donna.

Anonymous said...

But Donna you didn't even say he Chastanet went to th high court to lie for Mondesir......The high court had to reject his dishohest testimony and throw him out of court. My mother always told me growing, "a liar is a thief and a thief is a liar."

Anonymous said...

The biggest achievement of pain er paineir is to parade a group of "political bluff investors into Soufriere to try to fool the people to win election." Imagine amongst that group was clueless King, Tucker his partner in crime fresh from jail lol, ugly head La Born and Chou I never knew T Cannals for Chou was an investment. The pain had 5 yrs to bring investors into Soufriere, he was to busy on his holiday luxary trips, he did not even if there was a Soufriere. As he and his government is about to be kicked out never to surface again, he coming to Soufriere with a gang of incompetence, claiming to be investors. The people of Soufriere are smarter than that. Up to now they never said what kind of investment these so called investor would bring to Soufriere.