Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 reasons why UWP lost



Anonymous said...

This is the truth,the plain truthand nothing but the truth,so help me God.How they can treat Sir John that way and expect to continue the fruits of his labour--leeches.En rouge,en rouge,en rouge!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said.

The truth, plainly in laymen's language.

As long as Stephenson King, Richard Frederick ad neaseaum, Rufus Bosquet, Mondesir, Allan, Guy Joseph, et al, are in what is quickly becoming extinct, the UWP, they will never, never (ABSOLUTE) again form the government of dear Helen. Uh uh, too much gabbage. I don't know if a purge will do.

Poor King, last night on TV making a fool of himself, crying immaturely and bitterly "Keep you Olive Branch"...What a jerk!

Anonymous said...

Now we see the truth, who is really hungry for power King refuse to accept the election results, he is visible and actually angry. For a man who did not prepare himself for leaadership of a country actually believe he owned that spot. King is to blind to see the mess he has the country in, together wiith his gang. The electoral department brough the stamp to make voting easier and to eliminate so many spoil votes. King and his merry gang never went to parliament to approve it, because of their shaddy dealing about the deputy speaker etc. Now King crying fowl about the results, imagine there was more than 300 spoiled and rejected ballots in Babonneau alone. The stamp would have taken of that. The result would have been fair and square. So tell King instead of wasting his time going to court, he should go to school instead. That would be more in his benefit, if he ever want to be PM again.

Anonymous said...

King must realize that is no more free ride to the PM chair, there is no more Odlum to mashup the Labour governmend and there is no more Compton to hand pick him communist style. So he can cry all his cry, his tears will be invane.

Anonymous said...

Richard Frederick, with all his drugs related gabbage and visas' revocation, COST THE UWP THE ELECTION.

No doubt about that.

Anonymous said...

King should find a REAL JOB (I doubt he is qualified to do any other work but to walk around town as a messenger delivering documents) or find a GYM!

Anonymous said...

King, 'going to court' with whom! His buddy Richard Frederick!! Come to think of it, he should really take Frederick to court for allowing him to become a jobless pauper once again!!

Go right ahead King, green light, good boy, yes, take Kenny Anthony and the Labour Party to court!! Sacre imbicile!!

Anonymous said...

The simple truth is that Mr. King should resign from politics altogether. He and his incompetent guys except for Dr. Rigobert caused the party to lose the election. The only way forward is to have King to give up the position as leader of the party, and assigning it to Gail. I say that a whole new breed of politicians are needed in the UWP so the necessary healing can take place.

I say bring in Janine, Gail, Sarah, and other educated and qualified persons to be matched up with the SLP. Even if much gabbage was spilled on the political stage and by key media personnel about education, we must place more emphasis on selecting EDUCATED POLITICIANS.

We need to steer clear from persons like Estaphan who not only looks like a moo-moo but behaves like one;Stephenson King who is too weak and incompetent to make good decisions; Frederick and Rufus because of their past; Mondesir whose loose tongue knows nothing about diplomacy; Montoute who sacrifices good judgement for self interest(gambling machines);Guy Joseph who has a loose tongue and disdain for education and women; Ezechiel who knows nothing about character development and political wit.

The UWP could have survived if they had not sidelined the educated and qualified persons who they considered on their platforms as rejects.

Anonymous said...

I hear King Kong on TV crying saying they lost the election on election day and not running a good stragical campaign. How obserd is Kong, after 5 yrs of corruption, scandals, and incompetence, King Kong believe he would have bluff people in voting for him by just canpaigning on a political platform? By crying about election day, King Kong want to make people believe that the election was not fair. You know King Kong is a professional politician, he has skills in nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Another reason why the UWP lost is that they hate intellectuals. They forgot that it was an intellectual in the person of Ausbert d'Auvergne who strategised against the intellectual strategists in the SLP party and caused the UWP to win in 2006. This year, the intellectuals of the SLP totally mesmerized the imbeciles in the UWP and engineered a victory of brains vs money; class vs crass. By the time the SLP intellectuals had executed their plan, the people had come to own the campaign and responded with 'En Rouge'.
We must never underestimate the power of the brain! Universal Secondary Education is slowly changing the kind of electorate we have. May be Universal Secondary education is SLPs long term strategy to win all future elections. UWP TAKE HEED!

Anonymous said...

King's refusal to accept Kenny's gesture of reconciliation was so undignified. King came out looking like an unforgiving lover who was jilted. 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' they say.

Imagine King talking about character assassination. Has he forgotten how he and his party claimed that Dr Anthony had taken bribes from Grynberg; that he had accepted royalties? Did King forget the large bumper stickers that Richard Frederick and his cronies had posted on their cars?
Has he forgotten the filth that Guy Joseph spewed out of his mouth concerning Jeanine Compton and Emma Hippolyte; did he not hear the number of times that Ezeikel called Alvina a 'formi fall'?Give me a break King. Grow up!

THE QUEEN. said...


Anonymous said...

You have hit the nail right on the head. No one could have expressed it better. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

John Compton was not killed by no super 8. Ask the old people.

Someone tee-way compton en jouer.

Ask an older person what this means. This is what the word on the ground was when he died.

As long as the likes of ausbert d'auvergne is around uwp, it will not go anywhere, and compton knew that. compton was the worst thing that ever happened to st. lucia. st. lucians never loved him, and that is why he was well known as the PAPA JAB. We all know what this means. He was well known to be a devil.

The super 8, will never see the light of day, for the filth they did in government, but compton just his just desserts because he was not good .

Anonymous said...

ausbert d'auvergne, my black ass. Strategist? That is why the UWP could not last without the mess it went through because of that same d'auvergne. He has no reputation for public office. He is a big farce, pretending to be bright, and is as dumb as a door nail. That's why the folks where he claim he was born, made him lose his deposit.d'auvergne has an inflted self-importance. that is inherently someone with low self-esteem. check his family and professional history, and you can easily analyze the man. he is a petender, a make-belief.

Was he responsible for the slp's 'en rouge' slogan. LOL


Anonymous said...

The way these slp's decribing the former prime minister, the nation can never move forward. meme bette meme pwelle.

Anonymous said...

kenny making rose-mary attorney general?

Anonymous said...

class? my black ass. Brains? my black ass.

Anonymous said...

Rosemary for Attorney General? pure madness.

But with kenny and tony that is very possible.

Kenny will say, she is a friend. and tony will say she is a colleague. mi roro.

Anonymous said...

NEPOTISM. On a road called Downhill.

Anonymous said...

Prudent of the LPM may not have won this time but I have my eyes on this brother in the next five years. I was completely impressed with him. I don't know but this is the only brother I see fit to head any opposition party in the country.

Anonymous said...

Let us face it-UWP campaign machine was not in sync with the electorate.
They wasted too much time with the maypwee and giving out money instead
of thinking of different strategies to win the electorate over.

Anonymous said...

The 11th reason the UWP lost the election because they were head bent on victimizing educated professionals who they believe were aligned with the SLP.

St. Lucians will never know the number of qualified professionals there are in St. Lucia until this Govt placed them in positions. The UWP Govt hopefully will learn from their huge mistakes.

Kenny should also make good use of those professionals with PhD's, Doctorates, Masters and Bachelors. An educated mass equals a progressive economy in any society. Kenny please enlist the assistance of those persons especially those who were victimized by the UWP Govt.

Anonymous said...

Kenny, the man; Tony, the Prime Minister. Call him what you want Kenny or Tony. The whole of King could not come close to either one of Kenny's halves.

In any case, King proclaimed he was 49% Adventist and 51% Catholic. Talk about a split personality!! It's like being something of a man and something of a woman. LOL

Anonymous said...

Another reason for the UWP loss. They treated the electorate as one homogeneous group. They did not realize there is a core of discerning, principled people who would not be impressed with maypwi and money. For me, COUNTRY, not party or personality comes first.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous December 8, 6.57 pm.

Based on your post, it is clear that you possess neither brains nor class. It's sad that you belong to the black race. Oh well!

Accept it, the UWPs were hapless, hopeless and helpless in that campaign. The foolish, leading the foolish.

Anonymous said...

SLP is here to stay! Kenny made some good choices for his Cabinet and also some not so good ones. Dr. Long must be considered for a Ministry (Health to be exact) and Dr. Raymond appears to be a more competent match for the ministry of Energy Sustainability etc than Fletcher. Kenny's decision with the others are simply the right fit. Hope there is a reshuffle soon to place Dr. Raymond and Dr. Long in ministries where their expertise can be seen and felt by all. I will not be happy as a Labour supporter if those two professional men are kept sidelined in the party.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 3:13 As an SLP supporter you need to be more discerning than this. I would hate to think that I vote a parliamentary rep. so he or she can be 'elevated' to a ministerial post. A parliamentary rep is voted first and foremost to push the agenda of his constituents. Therefore, not getting a ministry should not be considered side lining. Cecil Lay never had a ministry but he provided superb representation to his constituents. Damian Greaves not a medical doctor, but he was one of, if not the best minister of health that we had.