Saturday, December 10, 2011

Government denies claims made by former Tourism Minister



Anonymous said...

A Leopard does not change its spots.

Once a liar; always a liar. Even the High Courts labelled Chastanet as such.

Anonymous said...

We need Chastanet's skills and experience, it is about Saint Lucia and not the SLP or UWP.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet was the worse tourism minister in the history of St Lucia, we do not need him. Can somebody articulate his achievements for me please? Under Chastanet we saw the most lay off of the poor hotel workers, although he got the biggest slice of budget and he got stimulus to add to that. Thousands of our tax dollars disapeared from the tourist board under his watch. Chastanet squandered our tax dollars by taking his partner Juke Bois to England with him on a joy ride. All Chastanet did was to travel, and he tried to put Hepples to do his work for him and pay him thousands of our hard earn dollars tax free. The people who are calling for Chastanet can take him home with them, but we want him far away from our government.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

When I heard that on the news, I said the same thing, the couts proved Chastenet a liar, so there it goes again, once a liar always a liar.

Anonymous said...

We do not have to thank Chastanet for anything, he not there for free we PAID him. He is the one who suppose to be thanking us us for giving him a job and paying him with our hard earned taxes plain and simple. Some people are behaving as if Chastanet was doing us a favour, how sickening.

Anonymous said...

What is really wrong with "PAIN EN PAINER" This man just feel he should continue getting out hard earned tax dollars for free? The man was tourism minister for 5 yrs, nobody can see his achievements to list them to date. He had no advice for himself, now he want to advice somebody else.

Anonymous said...

How can Dr. Anthony say he focused on creating jobs then he appoints a novice of suspect character to the main job creating industry in St. Lucia? This is so contradictory and shows he still after 5 years in the wilderness does not know how to manage a country.

Dr Anthony's view on creating jobs is to tax more or borrow more to increase Big Government so that he and his cronies have more to feed off of.

Anonymous said...

SANS HONTE, we had a so colled experience liar as tourism minister, what did he achieved, can you list them for me please? IF an illiterate King could have been our PM, Guy Joseph, Ass Ta Fan, Ass in James, Tucker etc could be a minister. Lorne is over qualified to be minister of tourism. So what you are saying is when all the experience people die out, tourism should die with them. Young educated should not be picking up the mantle? That is typical Lucians talk, they use to say only Compton can run the country. A novice Kenny did a much better job than Compton in developing the country in just 9 yrs. So we have a lot of confidence in our educated and intelligent novice.

You could talk all your nonsence of predicting what Kenny will do or what he will not do. You know so much about loans, why don't you tell us what did UWP do with the BILLION DOLLARS PLUS THEY BORROWED? Show us one project they achieed in 5 yrs from these loans? SACRE SANS HONTE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

SANS HONTE, we had a so colled experience liar as tourism minister, what did he achieved, can you list them for me please? IF an illiterate King could have been our PM, Guy Joseph, Ass Ta Fan, Ass in James, Tucker etc could be a minister. Lorne is over qualified to be minister of tourism. So what you are saying is when all the experience people die out, tourism should die with them. Young educated should not be picking up the mantle? That is typical Lucians talk, they use to say only Compton can run the country. A novice Kenny did a much better job than Compton in developing the country in just 9 yrs. So we have a lot of confidence in our educated and intelligent novice.

You could talk all your nonsence of predicting what Kenny will do or what he will not do. You know so much about loans, why don't you tell us what did UWP do with the BILLION DOLLARS PLUS THEY BORROWED? Show us one project they achieed in 5 yrs from these loans? SACRE SANS HONTE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@7:02am Sans Honte!! we had a man who has no employable skills as our P M for about 5 years. People like you thought he was the best thing to happen to our country. Yet you quick to condemn Lorne. Please check the doc about your jaundice. Give Lorne a chance. WE all know chastanet is a PROVEN liar.

Anonymous said...

This story causes me much anxiety.My concern is where does it emanate from , is this the rantings of disheartened disillusioned defeated politician, or is this the exposure of private tete a tees held between the Chasnet and the Anthony's.
I wonder what Dalston would have said about that suggestion.
From whence did such a thought come from.
Labourites we must remain vigilant less our mandate will be shared among the ruling classes.