Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Government to Review Foreign Relations



LLL said...

If the SLP Administration decides to go with Taiwan, the current ambassador will have to go.

Chou (or whatever) is guilty of breaking all diplomatic laws of our sovereign state. There is no way Kenny will allow this law-breaker to continue here in his capacity. If Kenny keep him, is to obtain information on the accountability of money distribution & contracts. In any event, I say, he's history.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't think Kenny ever really hated Tom Chou; he just hated the fact that Tom Chou was on King's side, and not on his.

If Chou decides to shift his allegiance, he will stay.
He has done more for St.Lucia in 5 years than most St.Lucians have in a life-time.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and tony all over again.

kenny was already in talks with the Taiwanese for weeks before november 28th. That is why the Taiwanese Minsitry of foreign Affairs could say the day AFTER elections that Tony had already told them he was staying with Taiwan.

while this was going on Kenny was telling St. Lucians he intended to NEGOTIATE with Taiwan and China.

Kenny made a good strategic move but stop giving us a "6 for a 9" when you have already agreed with the Taiwanese you were staying with them.

rochamel business all over again
It was clear that Tony was going to go where the money was. On what wonderful things are briefcases.