Thursday, December 1, 2011

“St.Lucia under Political Water”



Anonymous said...

As far as Iam concerned the smartest Lucians come from Souferrie.They never fell for Chasnets attempts to allure them with his money. This shows a level of political and social maturity, I never associated with ourpeople.The rejection of Chasnet sent out a strong message to the ruling classes that those days are gone.
People of Souferrie Isalute you, and thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Soufriere folks, have made me proud as a Lucian.

Money cannot buy a few of us, no matter how few.To have the nerve to refer to the people Chastanet was seeking support from as "having low self esteem"? Tells you how bright Chastanet is. He and Ausbert D'Auvergne, are the two sides of the same coin. St. Lucians let them know in no uncertain way, that they know that there are CON MEN plain and simple.

After Chastanet went before the OECS High Court and openly lied to facilitate an illegal act, and brought down shame on St. Lucia and St. Lucians in the process. That told me that he was not worth the mat I walk on. But he still had the nerve to put himself up to govern this country. ARE-WA. Shame, Shame, Shame.

Notwithstanding, the results tells us something about both parties. So many seats were so close. We need to now build upon a strong, vibrant alternative Party, who can be a good watch dog for the people, starting now, so we won't have the Grenberg, and Roachamel again.

Anonymous said...

Yes, blogger above Chastanet, and also Ausbert D'Auvergne were the two worst things in St. Lucia's political history. Both were the doings of John Compton, the PAPA JAB.

Good riddance. Shit-Heads.