Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What France wants from Rio


Anonymous said...

Is it not interesting that again the "venerable" Voice has another article by this representative of the failed socialist/progressive/liberal ideology which has kept the Caribbean backward for all these years. We merely have to see the non performance of his liberal/progressive St. Lucia Labour Party over the past 7 months to see what is their level of ineptitude.

As a leftist reprobate this individual (supported by the leftist/progressives/liberals at the Voice Newspaper) will NEVER report on the Climategate Scandal and the myriad of reports and exposures over the past years that have disproven the whole climate change fraud perpetuated by leftists around the globe and particularly the United Nations.

All of this has been done to cull money from gullible citizens and colluding governments who have been brainwashed into the scam called "climate change". People should have been JAILED for the level of fraud exposed in this gravy train for the Left.

This scam is merely part and parcel of the whole leftist agenda that has ruptured the progress of Western Civilization and upended the main building block of the Western World - the family.

Europe, the USA, the Caribbean and particularly African centric families in these jurisdictions are are being ripped apart because of leftist policies and their spendthrift ways.

We are heading off the cliff fiscally and socially and these leftists are still focusing on their pet projects to rape treasuries and citizen's pockets.

RIO is a waste of time and the French rather than focusing on their fraudalent progressive" environmental" issues forged by their failing and flailing socialist "elite" leadership class - should instead work out how to use the proper conservative value system to again make their country and civilization great.

And do not mention Sarcozy who was merely a mild socialist ACTING like a conservative and managing the decline of France under socialist influence of their civil service and political class.

Anonymous said...

Earl Bousquet in all his writings and ramblings has contributed not one iota of good change to the quality of life of the citizens of St. Lucia.

He has been part and parcel of the decline of this country for the past 30 years and continues on his destructive ways on a daily basis.