Saturday, September 15, 2012

Social Engineering and Planned Housing


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

just because i say victor and josie are dogs!!!! U REMOVE DE DAMN THING??

Anonymous said...

This is similar to an article written in the Star recently.

Anonymous said...

===========@ 4:38

The Voice is trying to be like the Star. If you say something that is not pleasing to them - REGARDLESS OF THE STATEMENT'S ACCURACY - they will take the ball and go home. This is disgraceful-small-mindedness that the Voice has sunk to the level of the Rag-Star.

It exposes the hypocrisy and propaganda about "Freedom of Speech."

But these same hypocrites did nothing when this sick guy insulted Black people calling Black women Ugly - but if you called him a dog they erase your post? Just stop commenting on their boring articles/writers. It is mostly because of the bloggers I read these antique manuscripts anyway.

Anonymous said...

Government owned lands have been distributed at very low cost to party affiliates which puts others especially hard stuggling citizens at a disadvantage. Others have simply occupied such lands. Unless these practices are halted and or regulated Housing Development will remain a sham. This latest development is one in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

For a long time now Lucians have lived like nomads and parasites. Some just wait for a change of government to occupy government lands. Because there is no planning , communities end up like the mang in the south, devoid of roads and access. Governments have had no control over the the masses or simply let the people do what they want to get their votes.