Saturday, November 24, 2012

PERSISTANT POVERTY… Of Caribbean Leaders


Anonymous said...

This article is an improvement. When you have the time read Antonio Gramsci and it will help you focus on what we need to do, to build a "caring society"

By way of constructive critism, try to avoid the put downs. It refelcts on you and gives readers like me the impresion that you have become a bitter old man.

The important thing is that we all must work to create the Caribbean we envisage.

Stay on the constructive path my brother.

Anonymous said...

A useful article for a change. Yet it obfuscates more than it enlightens.

First, it is highly simplistic to regard all the Caribbean countries as though they have identical economies and have the same level of natural resources. Besides that, not all have followed the same development path or script.

Only one country has a stated an accelerated wealth creation development model (that it has consistently followed) -- and that is Barbados.

Mr. Errol Barrow clearly stated after gaining independence, his interest in following the Singapore Model.

Today, Barbados has one of the highest per capita income level in the developing world.

John Compton claimed that he was following the Taiwanese Model.

To date, and in retrospect, we see no level of development anywhere near Barbados's achievement emergent from the Mr. Compton's hot air.

Mr. Barrow was very prophetic.

He said that John Compton knew nothing about economics. John Compton's dumping of the economic challenges in the lap of Dr. V. Lewis when John Compton failed to mount a credible response to the dying banana industry and a threatened market, supports Mr. Barrows remarkable insight.

On the other hand for example, if Trinidad did not have oil, that country would have suffered serious reversals economically speaking.

Jamaica and Guyana with natural resources have fared far worse because of a lack of foresight and good judgement on the part of their leaders.

In our neck of the woods, what we have had with each change of administration is a return to the status quo after each election.

The greatest development promise is not to reverse the worsening trend of nearly two out of every five persons walking down the street living below the poverty line, but simply to do better than the last administration.

Howeverm if we grant that the political directorate in St. Lucia is honest about poverty reduction, we must ... with all realism ... also concede that they are absolutely clueless as to how to go about achieving this desired result.

Anonymous said...

Politicians aka pond-filth.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lets stop knocking each other. We have done well in the Caribbean by any measure.

Our new challence is to find a path in the age of "creative destruction".

The age of "creative destruction" require that we all pusue individual positive activities can can be readily connnected to produce a caring society.

That is how we will create new institutions to replace the failing states structures of the colonial era.
We are all leaders now.

Anonymous said...

The person touting Barrow's work as being responsible for Barbados as the epitome of Caribbean excellence - as usual you liberals have not a clue about what makes the world work.

An examination of Barbados's history shows that (A) one of the reasons that Barbadians developed a strong work ethic was because they had to work as all the land was occupied by plantations unlike St.Lucia and Jamaica, etc where disgruntled workers had the option of leaving the estate and going to farm land in the forested areas.

(B) Barbadians Had a high white population who brought with them the one thing that made the European and American so successful - a strong tradition of solid Judeo Christian values.
Too many of our people only practice the outward signs of Christianity but our culture does not adhere to the decency and values inherent in the Christian tradition. Hense we destroy our children by not giving them a chance with strong families. Our liberal academics prefer to say that the single mother construct is "we ting" with disasterous results.

But the liberals destoying Western Civilization talk about Singapore model and Taiwanese model is pure spinning top in mud. Barrow was lucky to be the PM of a country with the fundamental conservative structures in place that made Barbados great. He and the rest that followed may have been good men but they have all been just as inept in not recognizing or following the conservative philosophy - just like all the failed UWI academics who have contributed nothing but hot air to our development in the Caribbean.

high unemployment, borrow tax and spend Keysenian policies and broken social structures is what you all have offered since Independence.

Wheel and come again - failures all!

Anonymous said...

Any one who only sees nagatives cannot be right!

Come on, there must be some positive cultural aspects to the Caribbean. Otherwise, we would not have survived the last 500 years.

Perhaps we need to revisit the positives in our culture to learn to cope with our current challenges.

Anonymous said...

Survive? That is all you want the masses to do? Scrunt? Merely survive?

When will they ever begin to live? You must be joking!

Have you no conscience?

You want a suffering people to survive another 500 years under these same conditions, like no potable water, poor and squalid living conditions and housing?

Have you people any god-damn brains?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Survive. Others have been exterminated! Yet we have survived. And we survive because of our liberal tradition. A willingness by our people to keep on trying to rise from the inhumanity they were subjected to for 450 years. In the last 50s we have made gains in education, healthcare, housing and democracy.

Our challenges remain many but daily our people awake and strive to build better communities.

Getting people angry is no solution.

Anonymous said...
