Thursday, November 29, 2012

Putting a Lid on Crime


Anonymous said...

Now you making sense!!

Anonymous said...

Why do we keep 'spinning top in mud' as the Jamaicans say?

What we fail to understand in the Caribbean is that our ongoing policies CREATE the problems we have. It is not that these problems just pop up like some magical tree in our backyards.

With the liberal/progressive policies and mindset of people like Kenny Anthony and his wife who want to legalize prostitution, gay marriage, full term abortion and all the other anti decency, anti family values that made Westrern Civilization great - our sicieties will keep on declining.

As long as they are against conservative values that made "de white man" prosperous and successful - then we all fall down.

In the fiscal sphere these same liberal freeness policies bankrupt countries and cause young people to think that since their politicians can go to Parliament to steal money through legislation then they can just hit someone over the head or sell drugs to get by.

You are wasting your time Micah by looking for solutions only with more policing or outside help.
WE are the problem.
WE are the ones who have swollowed the liberal propaganda that is destroying black families all over the world.
WE are the ones killing each other and voting for fools like Kenny Anthony whose only policy is to borrow and tax and spend. What has he ever done for our people except throw money at problems?
WE vote for liars who say one thing and do another(Taiwan, VAT, public spending).
WE are the ones who write year in year out on crime regurgitating the same failed ideas over and over again. You probably wrote this same article in 100 different ways over the past 15 years.

Time to grow up - but i guess the liberal freeness is too good to tackle and we are are so used to living in the liberal bubble we know nothing else.

Soon the money taps will be turned off by the markets(Look at Belize) then the real hard times will start, the riots will begin again and we will begin to understand what 50 years of liberal/progressive/socoalist leadership has done .

Anonymous said...

why should the press secretary to the prime minister earn $96,000 plus a year when the average wage earner in the service get about half and some less. If you are a perty hack, you have a high paying job waiting for you. No wonder people have to kill to make a living.

Anonymous said...

well i say the goverment should call for a election because when the uwp was in power we was hearing a lot of for crime now we not hearing not a word

Anonymous said...

When will this conservative neanderthal ever start making sense, and develop his analytical skills beyond just seeing every darn thing as emerging from a liberal mindset?

Damn it! With mate, it is like a carpenter whose only tool is a friggin' hammer.

Every darn problem looks like a nail!