Saturday, December 22, 2012

Policewoman Charged for Stealing


Anonymous said...

nothing new
same old bullshit

Anonymous said...

Habitual Voleur!

Anonymous said...

Let me see her face. I want to see if she is my girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if she is your girlfriend also, but she stole the ATM cash from her "colleague" in the Force, a colleague who was sufficiently involved with her to give her the PIN number of the ATM card. So you may be sharing her sweetness and her favours with one of the Lesbos in the Force. Go figure. CHARMAINE.

Anonymous said...

What scientific methods (HR) were used in employing those dead-beats?

Yes No. 1...I agree. "nothing new"...and the bands plays on!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what absolutely and thoroughly fine, decent, law abiding police officers (that are being employed).

Anonymous said...

And the commissioner is asking us to respect the police officers. Yes, I know they are not all bad. Who will guard the guard?

Anonymous said...

The reality of this is that Police officers are human too and are subject to the frailties of human nature. They are not infallible even though they think they are. Sometimes they act with impunity towards the citizenry of the land and seem devoid of compassion. Well here goes, they are committing the same crimes that those whom they call criminals commit. So invariable they are subject to the same judicial consequences. Let those of them who do wrong face the same music. After all, because of their offences, they are now deemed criminals or suspected criminals aren't they? Ah well, innocent until proven guilty...or is it the other way around?

Anonymous said...

The last commentator has a point about these characters being human beings, however they are also meant to be honest and law abiding, good role models etc .... huh! I know of officers who have attempted murder and got away with it, why are these officers charged. I have witnessed SSU officers lying in court, they are prepared to say and do anything, in and out of the law. How can people trust them, and its not surprising that rarely are criminals brought to justice when their are reprisals due to the fact the police will tell the criminals who gave evidence against them. Sodom and Gomoroh!!!

Anonymous said...

The VAT ... sorry the VAP got into her.

Anonymous said...

Is anonymous 3:56am suggesting that there are many lesbians within the ranks of the RSLPF ? This is very new to me. They are surrounded by so many men. One would expect more jamettes than lesbians

Anonymous said...

Some of the officers in the SLU Police Force are just thugs in police uniforms.I suggest a more stringent recruitment process be employed when selecting recruits. This might help in eliminating the selection of these bad elements.

Anonymous said...

People with responsibility like miss sonson go through a certain process through which they are supposed to undergo a certain transformation such that they would become model citizens with the queen's uniform on. Yes they should carry themselves with a certain deportment and when they fail, like the brazen police officer brandishing the firearm during the market vendor's protest at the cost of running a stall, one have to ask "who taught these police officers how to behave?

Anonymous said...

This has always been going on in our country.

Anonymous said...

St. Lucia has always been a reservoir of corporate thieves. Th

Anonymous said...

what a load of absolute brilliance coming from u who talk about police women being lesbians and that miss sonson is a habitual theif, get info straight dears, ur arrogant and self centered, pig faces need to get info right first instead of listening to pure specualtion and crap.. or maybe ur soo smart to have figured that out all by urselves :)