Saturday, May 25, 2013

Simplicity of Men


Anonymous said...

Here goes another flipping Saint Lucian female advocating legal prostitution or illegal prostitution. So she lives with a man to get things. I guess these may be had in exchange for sex paid for or unpaid for depending on price. So unwanted pregnancies are part of the bargain with the devil. These knuckleheads do not give a damn if they create children that they cannot feed, as long as they get things for the use of the real estate between their legs. How cheap!

opaque said...

Crappolaa, smh

Anonymous said...

Shorter still Jenita:

Our Saint Lucia Lucian women are really unambitious @#%$#%^&*!

Anonymous said...

I won't be dating a Lucian then. At least I know your objectives now!

Anonymous said...

Some Saint Lucian women behave like whores. Its not because they love someone, they think love is fancying someone sexually and when that starts to loose its intensity then move on to the next guy. No these women have no morals or class. This article is nonsense to the extreme, but the seriousness of the way men and women behave shouldn't be minimised, they are meant to be parents and role models, what sort of role models are they; they will teach their children how to manipulate men, and women will do the same, to get what they want, and the biggest bargaining chip is sex first. Doesn't anyone realise that these people are immature and childish and have no substance or personality, god help Saint Lucia.