Saturday, July 27, 2013

From slavery to … slavery?


PIT. said...

victor your mama tell u that?

victor u are a nut.

yes I remember when u interview me and my wife.
so victor that 's what u try 2 do 2 her? u lucky the next time I gon-a-f***u---u up boy.


Son-of-man said...


I am totally aware that one of the debilitating effects of the Slave-master's Religion of White Supremacy is to short-circuit the ability of the victims to think logically. Your implication that the ignorance of Emancipation can be designated to the fact that it was, “So long ago” is simply flawed; why is the 25th of December which took place 2,013 years ago so familiar to the so-called Negroes?? if there was any logic to your excuse, the word Christmas would not be in the vocabulary of the Negro in Lucia today.

However your trajectory is on point – many of the Africans have still not achieved liberation, as they continue to be mis-educated resulting in the self-hatred exhibited by Negroes who advocate the concept that only “Shabins” should be Carnival Queen contestants – an obvious manifestation of self-hate.

This White-Male-Worshiping is equivalent to drinking poison. The subliminal message from this Naked White-Male God is you Blacks can never be as good as this White man, no matter how much you hot-iron your hair and bleach your skin – the white male is superior. Now the worst of traitors are the Black Lucian Priests who stand before you on Sundays selling you the poison of White Supremacy for twenty pieces of silver, followed by the white man in Black skin who hired Jacob so he can rape Jacob's wife Sarah while she cleans the rooms, pretending all along they (the priest and Jacob's boss) are African, which compels me to sit every Christmas on the wall of the Courthouse on Micoud Street to observe the shameless Negroes who crawl out of Church having made their wives and daughters worship that Naked White man they proclaim as their God incarnate. Now sing! God save your White Queen, Black Slave.