Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Was King’s Last Speech His Last Fight?


Anonymous said...

No. What are you talking about? He only has to use a little bleach on his skin. Yes, I. A little hydrogen peroxide is all he needs. With a lighter skin, he will do a lot better. Saint Lucians love lighter skinned people as their leaders. That is why he lost. Kenny will lose because his is darker than Chastanet. That's all there is to it.

Anonymous said...

A very vivid narrative.Good job, Stan!

Anonymous said...

King did a satisfactory job with national issues during his tenure as P.M. The country survived during the recession, and did not go under after Hurricane Tomas is thanks to his leadership. Where king went wrong was keeping the criminal/mafia elements within the party...especially the canine looking member. It definitely hurt King's image and caused slippage in respect. I personally liked King because he did not try to enrich himself at the public expense. It is sad to see him go that way.

My biggest concern about Chastanet is his stance on public beaches and St. Lucian rights. The way things are going, it is becoming apparent that St. Lucians are slowly being shunted onto Vigie Beach. We need him to come out of the gate stating his position. This is not a joke because it involves the constitution. Until he does so, I will have deep reservations. I believe vendors and hoteliers can coexist on the beach. The government can build open structures on the shore (near the trees/shrub) and make them commerce zones for vendors. Anyone hawking on the beach is liable to arrest and fines. How about that?

Anonymous said...

The beaches are for white tourists. Get the idlers off. Increase the fines.

MR "T" said...



EGYPI we go have we Egypt 2.

Anonymous said...

This article had all the hallmarks of puerility written all over it. Where was the imagination?

Anonymous said...

To all those who thinks Allen Chastanet and an idiot like Ezechiel Joseph can muster enough power to beat Kenny Anthony’s well educated and well oil SLP machine in 2016, give me a call, I have a bridge I will like to sell you.