Thursday, October 17, 2013

“A Newer, Better LIAT Takes To Caribbean Skies”


hulla said...

congratulations LIAT
well done :)

Anonymous said...

Liat's great days are over: just like Air Jamaica. Give a different kind of airline a chance - something like a Caribbean version of Jet Blue - instead of just running itself deeper and deeper into debt.

Anonymous said...

@11:23 - Someone needs to explain that to some Caribbean leaders. It is not a question of whether LIAT has been good for us in the past - it's a question of whether it is the right model for the future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. As a Caribbean gal; I am always proud to support LIAT all the way.

I criticize when they need to be; but always wish them the best. We must support our own.

Thank you Antigua and Barbuda and Barbados for holding together LIAT.