Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Can Fair Helen Learn The Prosperity Formula?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Bishop – Excellent article, for example: “. . . we need to engage the Taiwanese – as well as other friendly nations – on a level that seeks to copy and/or adapt their economic formulae.”

That’s exactly what St Lucia needs: with a good 100 or at least 50 year development plan – based specifically on an extremely strong education system at its core. Ask the Taiwanese and others to borrow the blueprints of their original plans to study them and to incorporate them into our own.

But, will our politicians see the light and choose what’s best for the St Lucian people over what’s only good for fulfilling their own selfish greed?

Anonymous said...

What you talking about; to train, to learn, you can't teach a donkey to fly, you can't teach a Truck driver to talk MBA language over night, you can't show the likes of your man from Soufriere, Catries South east etc to relax, talk some sense in the presence of International Diplomats and have them to have any respect for you.
Example #1, why appoint that young girl from the Valley as our representative at the Consulate office in, of all places - New York - No respect for us.

Anonymous said...

Use good working models as our example and inspiration! Singapore, Taiwan, and others like them.

Anonymous said...

Good article.
To learn the prosperity formula,many
things must be done.
(1)A question and answer session must become a permanent feature of house sittings.
If this is done,then all the answers to questions of national importance which are not given to the people will be given by by law during house sittings.
With this house law,the people will know what is going fairly early and take action to correct what is not in the people's interest.
Sadly,Kenny Anthony will not agree to such as he is in the business of keeping important information from the public and refuses to provide explanations when asked

Anonymous said...

Right now, this is the only way for St Lucia to go. Consult closely with Taiwan. They seem to want to help us at the moment. We must take advantage of this opportunity as it lasts. The Western rulers have abandoned us. Let's turn to the East and South instead.

Anonymous said...

How about having a vision of where the People and the country should be in ten years, and then get assistance to implement the plan...think for yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Very good work...Stan!

Anonymous said...

Be humble at first and learn from others. THEN become truly independent when you have the knowledge to really do things for yourself. It's only a spoilt child that does not want to listen to and learn from those who know more that he or she knows.
Ask the Taiwanese for their help and use it!!!

Anonymous said...

We could also learn à lot from nearby booming Panama!
Cuba and Venezuela are both crap!