Thursday, October 3, 2013

Celebrating Abilities : World Cerebral Palsy Day


Anonymous said...

All of St.Locia's politicians should be tested for Cerebral Palsy.That goes for both Parties and starts from the top down. All of the Police should be examined by a team of Shrinks, and also for drug use. That's only a beginning.

Anonymous said...

Cerebral palsy is not a mental disorder, it is physical. I find it amazing how people can make everything about politics when politics clearly has nothing to do with it. If that is the card you want to preach from then raise the argument of "anti-disability" St. Lucia; no ramps on the side walks, no wheel chair friendly side walks... Heck!! us so called "normal" people can barely function with these "side walks"!!! There's no infrastructure no institution to treat and educate the differently abled, no activities designed for them so they don't feel like outsiders. We are still a boldly ignorant staring nation (proudly so). But hey I'm ranting about things insignificant to the average St Lucian. For goodness sake, we only care about politics and vat in this pebble of a country.