Saturday, October 26, 2013

Guyana-Venezuela: The consequences of ideology and avarice


Son-of-man said...



You Englishmen, especially Honorary Whites like yourself, should cease the practice of Hatred towards those of us of African Ancestry, Jews, and Muslims.

The article is informative yet begs the question, what role did you Sir Ronald, Member of the British Empire, and your pirate Queen Elizabeth play in British Guyana and Venezuela as you English pirates plundered the gold and diamonds of the Continent - was it you Sir Ronald or Sir Walter Raleigh in search of Eldorado Gold ?

But now you Englishmen are openly proclaiming your practice of Nazism?? Haven't you Good-ole Christian Englishmen murdered enough people of Colour Sir Ronald?

British Soldiers’ 'Nazi Salute'


Anonymous said...

The many Guyanese I have known and worked with, have different attitudes toward people of African decent.
Those of light skin complexion, with a Portugese name are very guilty of discrimination. To a lesser extent, the ones of East Indian decent are just as guilty.

Generally I have got along with them very well, but knowing what I do, I tread a fine line in dealing with those of non African decent.
They have had a history of racial strife among them, and unfortunately it still lingers to a certain extent.
I find them to be very nice people on the whole, but better to stay the hell out of their politics.
In case of war, which side will St. Lucia take? and do Venezuelans play Cricket? Shall we side with Venezuela for cheap oil and Gas? are the Latinos less racially prejudiced?
From what I can see, something nasty will happen sooner or later and Guyana wont have a foot to stand on. Greed is like a cancer, it will grow till it kills you.