Saturday, October 26, 2013

Is the new economic council another pie in the sky?


MR. "T" said...

as/*+-.+ hole ozzz-boy giv your advice 2 your half-brother allin.

u are nothing but a mother's curse.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am not at all a supporter of any of the current political parties. However, having said this, I must add that although I detest some of the policies of the SLP at a very basic level, the economic council and the land registry are examples of very forward-looking initiatives on the part of the SLP. Give Jack his jacket.

This council may be doomed to failure because a very singular lack of developmental sophistication by over 95% of the Saint Lucian population. (After all, Marcus Garvey long ago advised us to organize! Organize!)

At the very foundation of this is the culture of the society. People are just too mentally lazy to engage in CONTINUOUS personal self-driven improvement. They, in their dependent mode of survival on the two main political party are just too ready to swallow any partisan crackpot rumour, misinformation or disinformation placed to deliberate mislead an overwhelmingly gullible, unthinking, and anti-intellectual population.

All our NATIONAL decisions should be informed by extremely reliable data and multi-sourced but relevant facts.

No government and Prime Minister has all the facts!

But not even the governments of the day, the civil service, and revered politicians have any real sense of, or do care about anchoring their statements in hard facts, and in the beneficial SYNERGY that emerges from the diversity (inclusion) of multi-disciplinary opinion -- a cultural norm for Fortune 500 companies, with annual revenues several multiples of our national GDP figure!

That's a major competitive advantage and benefit that this society is being culturally cheated from, as we find ourselves stuck in the morass and doldrums of our dysfunctional but idiotic partisan approach to NATIONAL development.

Our graduates at all levels, primary, secondary and tertiary, see knowledge as useful, only in so far as that this can secure them a cushy partisan and political job or appointment. Therefore, they are totally disinterested in further improving themselves, whereas, critically-important technical knowledge is doubling today on a monthly basis!

Our first graduates, save the doctors to a large extent, have set for the rest of society, this nasty attitude, pattern and precedent.

An economic council should be an INSTITUTION (Longevity is the issue here.) that should find easy formation and continuity with its membership drawing on the skills, knowledge and abilities of(SKAs) our university graduates, in particular, who SHOULD have formed their own societies to promote knowledge and get updates related to the disciplines studied at the university/college level.

That someone could take time and effort to write this level of partisan tripe and idiocy in the NATIONAL press, is to betray a peculiar unthinking, but deep sense of UNPATRIOTIC social mischief and profound personal developmental retardation.