Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What’s St. Lucia’s China-Taiwan Dream?


Anonymous said...

Very good article.
Perhaps both Chinas will be willing to help St Lucia. Let's face it, the old colonialists have almost totally abandoned us, and furthermore, they're no longer rich enough to help even their own populations.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to you Earl, I feel compelled to advise you for what it's worth; You write as well as you can, and so it would be so much better if you would turn 180 degrees, and concentrate on writing
(1) on domestic affairs
(2) Caribbean matters and
(3) matters not related to Oriental affairs.

It may be tough on you my friend, knowing your passion for them of the hinder world - but reality is exactly what it is - reality.

Ask your dear self, my friend, who the hell care for them; they are rich today, but we should not sell ourselves cheaply because they come with great gifts.

We instead should learn to rise from our lazy asses and do for ourselves what others have successfully done for themselves.

Would you like some examples? like using some of our natural resources, such as the SOIL and of course, FISHING.
Sitting at an office desk facing Computers, all dressed up with suit and tie, driving a pretty car will not do it for all of us.

Anonymous said...

@1:44 PM, Saint Lucia has no national goals.

The political directorate has no meaningful direction, other than winning the next election.

Our journalist are just copy writers.

Anything the actors or politicians say to them is good copy. Therefore, that is simply copied and written sometimes even in quotes almost from top to bottom. No change.

The electorate persists on voting people who can beg most successfully on the international scale.

We saw the results of this with the spiriting of millions into the pockets of incumbents. Therefore, in Saint Lucia, PM stands for Prime Mendicant.

When will we ever learn? With such writers as these, facing their screens on a weekly basis, and writing such unalloyed crap, Saint Lucia as some say, is destined to remain idiot country.

HULLA said...

Hey have you bloggers checked out the YO online magazine that the voice has? damn you would'nt be talking politicis if you saw it.
Check it out ul la la !!!

Anonymous said...

Dream on! When you wake up call me.

Anonymous said...

There is only one reason why the SLP administration has relations with Taiwan. And that is because the Chinese told the SLP in no uncertain terms they did not want to upset the applecart and resume relations with St. Lucia. That's it! And that foreign policy review was just a smokescreen. It was commissioned long after the PRC told the SLP to go screw itself.