Saturday, October 12, 2013

Who Benefitted from the purchase of the 3,300 computers?


Opaq said...

Man go away already with the venom you keep spewing!! It's an investment. The benefits wont be reaped immediately.

Anonymous said...

what a sick jackass is this Jeff.


get some more of your brew 4 Jeff.

and let him stay away from this newspaper.
make Kenny purchase some life-size rubber doll 4 the man. u know the type he would like.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, the statement about politicians "whose agenda is to keep the people and future generations in mental slavery" is a truism. It says a lot about you and Comptonism . . . he was the one who kept you in mental slavery. That is why, you are a slave to the past! You are locked in 1970s and 80's mentality and you will never see vision in activities such as technology and education without bringing in selfish POLITICS.

Anonymous said...

Jeff has made some very valuable points, the most valuable I think is that not enough across the board discussion was done before this was implemented. Ask any well meaning educator and they will tell you the real concerns. What evaluation was carried out to determine the need for these laptops. People let's be realistic even though it seems critical in this case. This act was simply to fulfil a manifesto promise. The variables may not be the same but living in T&T which has done this very thing, has not made little if any improvements to the student's work output. The effects of this may be long term in a very negative sense. You want to know what we should've emulated programs like Gate and free tertiary education. This is what the government should invest in to see long term gains. This short term material fulfilment is futile and little has been done to educate the educators especially as to how best to go about fostering intelligent use of these devices. Let's not make this thing political. Its beyond that. The education of hundreds of young people who do not have self control and proper management at stake.

Son-of-man said...


Yet again you Fedee and the impotent weightlifter descend into the toxic waste of muckraking as the fires of your envy and hatred unrestrained by the body's orifices, oozes excrement, continues to burn, consume, and destroy you in this suicidal frenzy, as if it were fissionable with Radio active poisons with the critical mass being the microprocessor.

In the event Lucians were still undecided as to the level of your ignorance and insanity, consider Fedee's level of simple arithmetic? It is common knowledge that decimals are rounded-off to whole numbers; so 2.6 is 3, 1.5 is 2, and yes 3. 5001 million is 4 million. But to this envious reprobate Fedee, because individuals familiar with this simple rule did not say, “the cost of supplying the computers was 3.5987654321 dollars and two shillings”, this delirious scatterbrain states, “ if, maybe, could-be, perhaps, probably there are monumental errors in the Treasury, that maybe the Church can correct?? “Es Mis-sia pas fooh” ??

Allow me to draw your attention to the obvious contradictions in the reasoning of this rabid Pitbull. We can all agree if the computers were “dangerous” as stated by this frenzied “Jean La Toc”, it would not be a tool that should be given to a child. This berserk critter goes on to state that if we had begged Canada for a little more crumbs they would have given Lucians some obsolete computers from the days of antiquity for free, and then insults the parents of Lucia, condemning them as criminal-recipients of BRIBES? How much of this calumny can Lucians tolerate from this deranged Slave of the Knights of Columbus?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

As an educator and lecturer in an advanced economy namely Germany, this is ine of the best articles that Jeff Fedee has ever written. and he is right about most of the issues he raised. But the problem is that most St. Lucians aren't bright enough to comprehend the merits of his case.
A lot of St lucians are not mature, educated and smart enough for democracy. They simply want to consume rather than invest in democracy. But democracy is not a delivery service or an entertainment program. A democracy can expect a certain degree of knowledge from its citizens -- a modicum of involvement. Anyone who rejects this also refuses to contribute to its success -- and thus puts its future at risk.

Son-of-man said...


This Negro-acolyte-Slave mentality of begging the Caucasian for help is the result of the brain-damage inflicted upon Negro-acolyte-Slaves of the religion of White Supremacist, and imposed on the African by the brutality of the White Naked Man God in that Church on Micoud Street.

Just imagine that this demented Negro-acolyte-Slave Fedee has the testicles to suggest that if Kenny got down on his Knees to beg the so-called Whiteman for Freeness, the idea of our children being computer literate would be a good thing, but since Kenny thought our children deserved the best and went into our pockets to do-for-self, instead of making “BOM”, the computers are not good for Lucian children. I thought that Columbus thing was five-hundred years ago.

This propaganda of the Knights of Columbus must go!


Son-of-man said...


There!! The consummate Negro at 5:35, who lives cleaning the excrement of the people of Hitler, filled with the disease of the inferiority Complex who thinks Lucians are better-off being slaves cleaning the feces of the Caucasian-Christian.

I have always thought there should be a special Roach Spray for Negroes, but now I know with certainty that this must be brought to production – Fedee and the German, I will use you as my Guinea Pigs because of the terminal condition of your disease. This action of spraying will replace the public flogging in the Boulevard, next to Constitution Square – you will be sprayed!


Son-of-man said...


Do you walk around thinking because you married a Caucasian, or live in Europe you are better than the Beautiful people of La Resouse, V.F.?

Let me state unequivocally that most Black people, unless treated/deprogrammed/medicated are victims of a mental disorder that can be labelled as Inferiority Complex - a mental disorder where the sufferers perceive Shabins, as in Josie's case or Caucasians as in the case of the lunatic Fedee as superior to the Black African.

The nature of the societies where Black people are raised has completely, and systematically distorted the realities of the African and the Caucasian. This chicanery is accomplished primarily through shenanigans applied subliminally by Imagery in religions of White Supremacy, even before the Black child is able to articulate a sentence and later through a well designed process of Mis-Education.

Therefore a thinking Blackman should question, what makes a Negro forsake the beauty of his mother, sister, aunt, cousin, etc. to marry a Caucasian, so-called white person whom he/she knows nothing about.

Let me inform you, it has nothing to do with LOVE! It could be considered LOVE, if we were FREE to marry whatever human being we wanted to marry. But in the “Colonies” of the White Queen, there is so much loaded implications to racial composition, that the Racial identity of the Caucasian as a spouse, becomes the primary factor in the selection by the victimized African.


Son-of-man said...


To better understand what is being said above, I strongly recommend you take a minute to review this experiment in the link below, conducted by Dr. Clarke, and ask yourself why does this little Black baby girl think of herself with such hatred at such an early age? Do you think this is accidental?

Now, you will better understand the insanity of the Negro Magistrate with his White “trophy” wife, given the disgraceful title O.B.E., M.B.E., and Christened an Honorary White, or the woman who loved the White Jesus so, so much that no Blackman could make the grade.


Son-of-man said...


O.K., this is an opportunity to examine this sickness in Negroes, the likes of Leary john Wayne, Josie, and the Black mis-educated Lucian German.

This Negro Lucian-Exile, who considers himself privileged by being permitted the use of the same toilets as that the Filthy Caucasians who walk the streets with cakes of feces in their panties and kalsons, knowing nothing about using soap and water to properly clean-up after relieving themselves of body waste, has the audacity to state that Lucians are so STUPID that only he can understand the "Differential Equations" encounted by Fedee. These idiots should travel to North Africa to understand the removal of “Is-tin-jah” from the body.

It's absolutely imperative that the defining characteristic of the Caucasians who were turned loose from the bowels of Europe when the gates of Hell were opened and filthy-savages encountered the civilized peoples of Africa and the Americas, be understood.

These European savages lacked basic sanitation, disposing excrement, feces and menses blood, and urine through windows into back yards, and these Caucasians prided themselves for not have bathed for several months, considering the poignant stench from the total absence of hygiene an attractive feature; the streets of London were perfumed with the acrid sent of human waste and urine. Rats, maggots, fleas, diseases, syphilis, Gonorrhea was the order of the day, until the “BLACK PLAGUE” killed half the population of these Filthy Caucasians.

The Caucasians were a particularly ignorant people and were identified as a people of the, “Dark Age” until the Civilized African Muslims known as “Black-a-Moors” taught them how to observe cleanliness and brought them into the Glory Days of Europe known as the “Renaissance”. Most of the Mis-educated Negroes know nothing of the RICHEST PERSON IN ALL OF HISTORY. While Europeans were living with feces and maggots people like Mansa Musa -- The richest human being in all history - walked the streets of Africa; who is Mansa Musa you ask? You should really be asking why you Negroes were never taught anything of such Africans?

Son-of-man said...


The Africans ruled Europe for some eight-hundred years, teaching the savages, science and all aspects of civilization making Spain a super power of the day.

As the African rule and influence over Europe diminished and waned, the Europeans relapsed into the decadence and ignorance where they felt most comfortable.

Islam was replaced by the demonic White Supremacist and Sexist doctrine of the Trinity, in which God is a Male Caucasian, he God has one child, a Naked Caucasian Man, and the woman is presented as an EVIL being who made her husband Adam, disobey the White God and has been cursed for all eternity to suffer the “fangs of the serpent” during childbirth, because if it were not for this “Evil woman” there would be no earthquakes and Hurricanes, and the priest would not rape little boys and girls.

So this Satanic religion permitted a “Darkness” to descend upon the Caucasians of Europe and to be propagated upon the “New World”, producing the Josies and Fedees of the world, while self-hating Negroes sing, “God save the Queen” while naming the heart of Castries after Columbus.

Arise!! wake up, reclaim your Good Name and stop praying to Dead People, like the Josies and the Fedees.


Anonymous said...

But the money went to his homeland...Trinidad.

Anonymous said...

Son of man...STFU!

Anonymous said...

No, why should he be "shut up"?

I find him to be quite entertaining and most enlightening. I have learnt a great from reading his blogs.

Therefore, son-of-man continue to do the good works and keep the likes of the Josie's, Feedee's, et al, in check.

Son-of-man said...


10: 13,

thanks so much for the compliment, I was wondering where were the rest of the House Niggers hiding and when would they come to fight for Massa.

Was it the Columbus thing that has hurt you so much, or the love of your White Slave-master's God-in-flesh? “Kaka schyen”, since you will be celebrating Columbus/Colombo tomorrow let me pull down your nasty kalscion and see how well you follow your White Saviour?

When the Criminal Columbus arrived in the so-called New World, he found a civilized people who were so hospitable that he wrote to the Court in Madrid, the Indians “ … are so naïve and so free with their possessions that no one who has not witnessed them would believe it. When you ask for something in their possession - Gold, silver, anything, they never say no. To the contrary they offer to share with anyone.... “

These were the Carib and Arawak Peoples that you Mis-educated Negroes are taught were savages. One of the first thing Columbo did was to built a military Fort from the timber of the wreckage of the Santa Maria, and named it Navidad/Christmas.

In exchange for the hospitalizes of the Carib and Arawak, the Christians brought a plethora of diseases unknown to the Americas, and after two years of his arrival half the population of Haiti were dead – some one hundred and fifty-thousand; by the year 1515, all that was left of a population of 300,000 was less than fifty thousand. The information was reported from the writings of a Priest named Bartolome de las Casas' History of the West Indies.

When Las Casas arrived on the Island Hispaniola(Haiti & Santo Domingo) in 1508 the population had been reduced to 60,000 people including Indians – which means that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people – some historians say eight million - had been murdered by the demons from the septic tank called Europe, culminating in the destruction, Christianization, and enslavement of the Black Lucian like Ricky, Hozae, and Jeff.

This was the beginning of the European five-hundred year invasion of the Americas which led to Black Africans having names like Elizabeth, George, Wayne, Jeffory and the worshiping of a Naked Caucasian man, nailed to a piece of wood urinating blood in his bloomers and on the faces of the Lucian cannibal savages who drink his blood and eat his body – Cannibalism!!




Let all house slaves who believe because of some change in their way of life (living in Europe, America, Canada, etc.)have given them a Ph.D. Over those who are left behind in our mud huts.
Those BRAIN DEAD house niggers who the white racists convince that the black man is a inferior race to the white. I will not deal with the terrible psychological damage that the white race have caused the black race when they instituted slavery and discrimination.
this has made the black man powerless, weak not only in his household but powerless socially, economically, intellectually, and politically as well.

(if only we take the time to read, study and regain a true knowledge of our history, religion and family life,we will gain racial pride, self-esteem, a love of self, and a desire to cooperate with each other.)

Those who went over to the so-called greener shores and make themselves believe that their are better than those who never visit or visited the white's man world?
You all are just daydreamers.

Jeff is a bitter gravel-headed-vicious, paranoid over Kenny being a more loving, caring and a longer distance runner with the girls than him.

Get a job man!!!!!

Kenny family's plantation is now hiring house niggers "STEP" $50./FIVE hrs.
This is a better job than the leftovers from ALLEN'S kitchen.

Son-of-man said...


Celebrate the mass murderer Colombo, and the Pirate Queen Elizabeth, but don't forget to give your Prime Minister David Cameron his due.

What this mass murderer Columbus did has been written into history by Europeans, and distorted to make the genocide committed by these Savages acceptable and even necessary.

Not one of the Negroes you see participating in the religions of their Slave-masters are educated, but in reality are trained like a watch dog, whose job it is to perpetuate the fallacy of white supremacy and they are rewarded with bones while they keep the slave singing “God save our gracious Queen”.

Sit for a few minutes to observe, the Pipe Pipers leading your children to be drowned in the Satanic structures called churches as they proclaim the greatness of this abomination known as Christopher Columbus and your enslavement.

Throughout the Americas these Caucasian savages plundered and committed genocide of the indigenous peoples. Columbus exterminated the Arawak; Pizarro exterminated the Incas of Peru; Cortes did the same to the Aztecs of Mexico, and the English exterminated the so-called Red-skins of Virginia and Massachusetts, viz. the Powhatan and Pequot.

Recently there was a lot of talk about the Mayan Calender, well the Aztecs were descendants of the Mayans and Zarpotec peoples. When Hernando Cortes landed in Mexico in 1519 dressed in armour the Aztecs thought he was one of their own man-god who had died and had returned. Cortes was showered with gold and silver and welcomed with such munificence.

Cortez had one objective and it was to plunder. He took his army from town to town murdering with impunity; the bows and arrows of the Aztecs were no march for the muskets and cannons of the Spaniards. Cortez would invite the Aztecs to assemble in the city squares, then surround them with cannons and open fire killing thousands of unarmed women and children. Pizarro did the same thing in Peru and soon the Africans would encounter the greatest act of genocide as they were fed to the sharks in the Middle Passage where some 100,000,000 million of your relatives were murdered by your Queen Elizabeth-I and other rulers of England.

Even the present day Prime Minister David Cameron got rich and powerful from the enslavement of your parents.

David Cameron

The family of the current Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, benefited from the enslavement of African people. According to Dr. Nick Draper of University College London, as many as one-fifth of wealthy Victorian Britons inherited part or all of their fortunes from the slave economy. As a result, there are now wealthy families all around the U.K. still indirectly enjoying the proceeds of slavery they have inherited; Queen Elizabeth-II and the so-called Royals are the highest ranking Pirates .  In addition to benefiting from slavery while it was legal in the British empire, Cameron’s ancestors were given £4,101, equal to more than £3 million today ($4.7 million dollars), for the 202 black people they enslaved on the Grange Sugar Estate in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

JUST LOOKING AT Jeff's PICTURE makes me feel like sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Jeff a good article..It would be good for an audit to be done in 12 months see who still has their Lap Tops. But seriously why pay so much money for a Lap Top...are they built with gold screws or diamond chips... A total waste of peoples money.

isiah said...


-you do know that slavery was done by the african, arab and Spaniard just as much before the whte man. Arabs still doing it today. Get off your high horse you ignorant.


Son-of-man said...



The fact that you equate the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade/Chattel Slavery to indentured servants underscores my point. It's like saying, we have slaves in Dennery.

You have no knowledge of you real Name; no knowledge of your language; you walk around with a Slave-master's brand on your forehead and a piece of wood with a Whiteman nailed to it around your neck, while singing “God save “our” queen” while your language is that of a Slave, speaking English with a name like Winston – you! A shadow of yourself, proclaiming how much you love being a Slave and praying to a Naked Whiteman hanging in your bedroom.

You see Toby Isiah? When the Africans worked their captured prisoners, these prisoners knew their Names, Language, and history, but you are like a Mummy speaking with the aid of a Ventriloquist.

So go to church and kneel, KNEEL! You Negro Slave! and pray to Columbus and some dead people.


Anonymous said...

The purchase of the computers with a massive amount of borrowed money for purposes that will never be realized
is a simple continuation of the incompetence of the SLP leadership.

The SLP over 10 years in power have bankrupted the St Lucian people by borrowing close to $3 billion to cover their failures.

You could have given any of the first 10 people in the St Lucia telephone directory $3 billion in 1997 and told them to go and run St Lucia - and they would have done a better job than Kenny, Phillip and Co.

With increasing unemployment and a degraded social atmosphere this purchase was one more political ploy to cover these parasitical liberals so we do not question the millions they pay themselves and the joyrides they take on the people's dime.

We still do not have any accountability for the $500,000 that Menissa costs the taxpayer or the $309,000 for Alva to fly here there and everywhere.

The millions spent on computers for kids to go on Facebook, e mail their friends and even watch porn is so we won't question the additional dollars on the already $4,000,000 that Kenny has cost the poor of this country.

Yet we are the ones dumb enough not to place this incompetence in context.

Anonymous said...

The administrator should really delete some of the posts from the ranting racist blogger who either forgot to take his medication recently or simply should limit his spliffs to one a day !

Anyway that is the standard expected from hacks.

Anonymous said...

Someone, anyone, particularly OPTICAL THE DIVINE, please mix Jeff a stronger portion of your brew to keep him shut for a while until the need arises for a great portion.

When he had a chance to effect something worthwhile; he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Now he is hell bent out of shape with envy of those who did effect a positive change.

Anonymous said...

All the trash talking is done by UWP Why didn't they tried to find problems existed the 5 years of the previous government, What was done and what wasn't then we all will see. but we keep sweeping the dust under the rug and expect to to magically go away.


@ 4:55 am

I will answer your request.

Jeff I know u want Kenny 2 fall in LOVE with u.
hear is the thing u must do.

make a mixture of orange flower water, rose water, and honey. add to this nine lumps of sugar on each of which you have written his name first and then yours. burn a pink candle in this mixture every day for nine days.

Jeff Kenny will b in your arms forevermore.
obtain a lock of his hair and wrap it in a small piece of cloth, folding the cloth toward you. put it in the bottom of your shoe and he will come into your bed.

Jeff I will ever b at your service, remember just call out my name I will b there before your next tear drops fall.

Kenny just go and give Jeff back his?????
if u don't want 2 b bu***+--..+-+ by him.

Anonymous said...

Son of Man and Optical the Santero... have absolutely no respect for black people. Your knowledge of history and politics made you none the wiser som...none the wiser.


We have no respect 4 black-niggers like you who have no love 4 your elders, like the son of man and myself.

For your penance roll your rosary, say 5 hail MarY, 5 acts of contrition and you good 4 the body and blood of your white god on Sunday. We will always write and speak against VAMPIRES LIKE U WHO bend and kiss the feet of your white stone-god.

and all the blacks that are liberated from mental-slavery say


Anonymous said...

Power to all the children who have received computers. Now, defy the nay-sayers...remember Bill Gates? If this money was spent on rum and roast pork, these pieholes would have been silent!!

Anonymous said...

I guarantee you the Government of Canada would never have gifted 3300 computers to St. Lucia. They don't gift computers to their own poor. There is no Government program set up to give computers to anyone. Maybe there could have been some private charity who would be interested in investing but it never would have been the Government. Do your research before making such false claims.

Anonymous said...

Why do some of you have to deliver your blogs with such filthy words and images? You make your intelligent statements appear stupid and just a bunch of filthy words - maybe you can't help yourself. That's so sad because I like and others like me like what you're saying behind your filthy words but eventually, once your dirty words and thoughts surface, we stop reading and write you off as a sad and lost cause.
A disappointed reader.

Jeff said...

And by the way , I am writing from Toronto too.We need people like Jeff and Rick to keep fire under the feet of our politicians. At first it sounds nice that every fourth form student should have a computer, but have ALL the fourth form teachers been TRAINED for the technology...and yes what happens to those students who are not so inclined on technology? I could have gotten a far better deal for our government if given the opportunity; and yes , I'm convinced the government of Canada would have been happy to assist our students\nation in that regard . Jeff ,keep your eyes on the ball and keep writing.

Son-of-man said...



Do you Lucians see how residing in the societies where the dominant culture is that of the Caucasian-Christian demolishes the self esteem of the so-called Negro-acolyte-Slaves like the German and Canadian with the slave-master's brand-name Jeff?

You should observe and know that the condition of residence and employment in these places, is the complete emasculation of these Negroes, therefore it is no coincidence that both of these Negroes in Germany and Canada think that Lucian children are not capable, nor deserving of a tool that is ubiquitous in the Caucasian Countries of the world.

The worship of the Naked White Male has produced a self-hating, self-limiting behavior, and an emotionally emasculated Black man feeling devalued – he is never good enough.

That is the inferiority complex that these Negroes in Exile, seen as undesirables, Niggers, and inferior by the White Supremacist in Canada and Germany where they live, and can only survive as “good smiling-all-the-time-Negroes”, subject to be shot by the white police if they are seen driving a BMW or walking in a White only neighbourhood - THINK !! Trayvon Martin of Florida.


Son-of-man said...



Martin, a Miami native, was visiting his father in Sanford and watching the NBA All-Star game at a house in a gated Sanford community, the Retreat at Twin Lakes. That evening, Martin walked out to the nearby 7-Eleven to get some Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea. On his return trip, he drew the attention of Zimmerman, who was patrolling the neighborhood in a sport-utility vehicle and called 911 to report "a real suspicious guy."

"This guy looks like he's up to no good or he's on drugs or something," Zimmerman told the dispatcher. "It's raining, and he's just walking around looking about." The man tried to explain where he was. "Now he's coming towards me. He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male...Something's wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is...These assholes, they always get away."

After discussing his location with the dispatcher, Zimmerman exclaimed, "Shit, he's running," and the following sounds suggest he left his vehicle to run after Martin.

"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asked. Zimmerman replied: "Yep."

"Okay, we don't need you to do that," the dispatcher warned.

Several minutes later, according to other callers to 911 in the neighborhood, Zimmerman and Martin got into a wrestling match on the ground. One of the pair could be heard screaming for help. Then a single shot rang out, and Martin lay dead.




I am truly fed-up with those house-rugs 'NUGGERS" with complaints gossip,unsettling laziness, reprobates.

Son-of-man said...


Jeff, the one from Canada who is now using the same toilets that Caucasians use is the reason I asked the question at Blog# 6:58.

I ask you, what was the relevance of this Negro PROCLAIMING he now lives and works for “White” Masters in Toronto?

It was to tell Lucians how lucky and blessed he is to use the same toilets as these Beer-drinking drunk White Racist. This lie, “God created man in his own image” ?? but this image is always a NAKED WHITE MALE, but even if they painted this “IMAGE” black you would still see a blue-eyed pale-skinned Caucasian in your mind; close your eyes and try seeing a Black God – don't regurgitate what you were trained to say, “what difference does colour make?”.

These castrated Negroes are really that deluded into thinking that because they are married to a Pale woman and can use the same toilets as the image of their God, they have arrived. They hate themselves and anything that looks or reminds them that they are inferior(any Black) and will kill another Black at the drop of a pin while expressing their self-hatred.

Anonymous said...

Jeff.....I know all my fellow En Rouge brothers and sisters will think you are a nut,but they all know you are a very educated brother and you always bring the truth out,something we are afraid of speaking and listening to. Thanks for shedding the truth with me, much respect to you happy to read a great piece,the truth nothing but the truth.Be good stay safe God Bless.

Anonymous said...

@ Son-Of-A-Whore..You are a real lowlife kneegrow,take your head off your ass it's in there too long,for you really have shit for brains.

Anonymous said...

Educated fools from educated schools. Jeff, you and your Canadians sources and your ardent readers can take a trip to the toilet....immediately! Oh, can someone give the patois translation?....please!