Saturday, January 4, 2014

SLP proud of anti-corrupt government


Anonymous said...

The SLP's Public Relations machinery is in full swing but too little too late.
The utter 10 year long incompetence of the SLP has continued unabated.

2014 will be worst with increasing unemployment and societal destablisation. The SLP is so arrogant they still think that talking, RORO and maypuis can take the place of competent governance.
What they have going for them is an ignorant electorate with no idea of standards.

The SLP has amassed almost 2 billion in debt and a country mired in poverty and with no hope of receiving anything more than promises and seeing their country's wealth being sucked up by party hacks.

THE SLP under this leadership is a 3rd World kleptocratic organization
Intent on bleeding St lucia dry.

St Lucia in trouble under the SLP IN 2014.

Anonymous said...
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MR. "T" said...

ABOVE NAME ONE OF YOUR MO!@#$F$&TH*^FU@##@#43 accusation at this government????

Anonymous said...

???? to be ranked as #22 is a reason to be proud of?
Become #1-5 and i applaus you too but not with this #22 ranking.

Anonymous said...

Really? We know better on the ground and in the various Ministries of the Public Service.

This is a big joke. I do not know where; what and who was surveyed by this Institution. But I can tell them that they are clearly off-track.

Check properly.