Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The following is the LPM response to an invited request to comment by CNN, on Allen Chastanet’s letter of reprimand to Stephenson King


Anonymous said...

Tell me Prudent, what the hell you're trying to say? you could do better as an opposition leader?
well buddy, like Allen, you must first show us you can win a seat. Are you thinking of doing like Lewis by joining Labour since you failed to secure a place with UWP?
You of all people talking of Allens' over ambition? take a look in the mirror, pall.
All of you politicians make me sick.

Anonymous said...

Stop attacking Prudent and try to make sense and understand the message.

MR. "T" said...


Anonymous said...

I agree this is a senseless attack on Mr. Prudent. I don't get it at all why anyone would be angry with the LPM statement. Some people must learn to stop making fools of themselves. If you read and don't understand what you read simply say that. choops.

Anonymous said...

...or above, if your read and cannot comprehend or decipher what's being said, keep quite; don't show your ignorance.

What the guy said makes complete sense; whether he has won a seat or not.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:09 pm shut-----up
what sense is he making?

Anonymous said...

A lot of sense. Maybe more than you can ever make. I don't think Prudent cares forkall about UWP or SLP. He has expressed a view point and that for me should be respected.

Anonymous said...

Some typical fools on this board. Instead of trying to grasp the message, they attack the messenger. One may not like a particular person for personal reasons or otherwise, it does not mean that those persons thoughts or actions should be automatically invalidated on that basis. A key character building trait is to listen, listen carefully and distill what you have heard and make a decision as to what you believe might be worth taking from that conversation. And do not be quick to kick the messenger even before you have heard what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

I SAY ALL IN ALL: LET THE DEAD "bury their dead"

LPM IS alive and kicking UWPPPPPP-ASS??????

Anonymous said...

Right now all we need is unity. As far as I am concern Allen Chastanet is adding more fuel to a politically charged country.

Desire Blanchard said...

Above, I agree with you 100 percent. I also think that Mr. Prudent and the LPM have zoned in on a critical aspect of what is needed, which is unity. I think Mr Chastanet and the UWP missed an opportunity to demonstrate that they are able to transcend petty politics. I may not always agree with LPM but day by day I am learning to respect them.

Anonymous said...

An article worth reading.

Jeff said...

Give Allen Chastanet some credit; the guy after all is no dummy. He knows King is Opposition Leader,and you think that IS the reason he wrote to King? Can one of you tell me one instance since the convention you've seen Mr King and his group "breaking bread"with the others??