Friday, July 16, 2010




Anonymous said...

This story brought me to tears. Is it too much to ask the authorities to take serious action to provide a decent home for at risk children in our society? Is it too much to ask the private sector to divert some of the money now being poured into Carnival towards this goal? Are there ANY public-spirited citizens who are prepared to lend a hand to this cause?


hulla said...

this is really horrible...horrible.
the rapee's anus was split...he is no doubt mentally scarred for life
What about the rapors ?Do they have penises of iron??

Anonymous said...

leave cherry alone
she does some good

Anonymous said...

Why is Cherry mute on the Sandals beach situation?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you speak about Scandal beach situation yourself instead of wanting Cherry to do it for you?

Anonymous said...

Cherry used to be a voice for the people but has now been bought and paid for by the SLP so her voice is weightless. She should have never become a party hack, she is useless like everybody else, we need civil rights leaders.

Anonymous said...

What an indictment of this society when its more important to have a carnival where all the people want to do is act like dogs in heat, and will agree to any cost to do so. Has anyone asked why these young boys are abusers; does it not beg the question where do they learn such abuses, you don't need to look far all children start off with parents who are mean't to be their role models!! I believe we are all responsible for the protection of children, the lushion mentality is 'its not my business', so the story continues.....

ray said...

Awful awful story. Poor child. Pray for justice.

Anonymous said...

Its sad sad sad that our priorities are screwed. How much money is government putting into carnival? They jus had a retreat for permanent secretaries and ministers at coconut bay what could have been done with that money rather than have them bring they women n children to splurge from tax payers money. Ppl need to take these issues seriiously but we too content ignoring n jus drinking rum n partyiing all in the name of culture.

Anonymous said...

What a shame! This country is so freakin messed up. The powers that be do not give a rats arse about it's people and they're wondering why crime is so rampant.

Anonymous said...

The BTC is suffering from poor management and uncaring workers. There are staff members who's only responsibility is to report in and report out. They provide no guidance, no instruction, no leadership. Nothing is organised for the wards. They are treated more like prisoners and not wards or young persons in need of care and protection. There is no father or mother figure. The counsellors are only talking about their qualifications but put nothing into practice. These boys need some one to encourage them, help them develope and channel their energies in meaningful activities so that they may not engage in negative activities.

Anonymous said...

The BTC is suffering from poor management and uncaring workers. There are staff members who's only responsibility is to report in and report out. They provide no guidance, no instruction, no leadership. Nothing is organised for the wards. They are treated more like prisoners and not wards or young persons in need of care and protection. There is no father or mother figure. The counsellors are only talking about their qualifications but put nothing into practice. These boys need some one to encourage them, help them develope and channel their energies in meaningful activities so that they may not engage in negative activities.

Anonymous said...

Shame, shame, and shame again. There must be solutions for these problems. Let's start with building toileting facilities in the institution, if we can do not better than treat emotionally disturbed children liked hardened criminals. Shame on St. Lucia--where are your priorities? Then let's think about the mission of the facility. Why are we training the boys? What do we hope to accomplish? Who is there in the St. Lucia that could make an appropriate assessment of the needs of the children? What's the staffing like at this "Training Center" What kind of staff supervision is provided for the children during the day and at night, especially?. What kind of training do staff members receive? Why are 8, 9, and 10 year old boys thrown in with older frustrated teen-aged boys? This was a nightmare waiting to happen and it should not happen again: Get moving people! Yes, we the people, must take some responsibility for the chaos that is happening among the youth in St. Lucia. What ever happened to the extended networks for children who need a safe place: Godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. We are too busy doing what? Please pay attention to the most important resource that we now have: our children. Get moving people--put the pressure on the politicians!