Tuesday, November 10, 2009

16 Year old dies in Vehicle Crash



Anonymous said...

How many more young people must die in this country as a result of accidents? Why is it more prevelent now than before? What is going on?

lbm said...

I sincerely hope that the teenager who died in this tragic accident was NOT riding in the back of the pick up - SITTING on the vehicle basket. This is a VERY dangerous practice - and an illegal one at that - which too many people ignore. It is high time the authorities run a campaign to discontinue this practice of people sitting ON the basket of these vans.

Also, I cannot help but answer "Anonymous" ... unfortunately, people do die in accidents, everyday, all over the world. Yes, accidents can be prevented, but if measures are put in place to sensitise the public, but are ignored ... well, at least they are trying!!

Anonymous said...

Some drivers refuse to be precautious on the roads. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE.Now one person is dead and two of his children are being hospitalized one in icu with machines all over. Lets help save lives.Accidents do happen but we can avoid some of them.