Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cementing the Ties



Anonymous said...

Our past is what makes us who we are today and we must never forget that.

ixi lixi said...

I say we go back to the name La Carenage. Mr. Castries, Minister of Marine Affairs was quite a character, according to wikipedia. Perhaps the French might offer us monuments to our Freedom Fighters of the 1790s, who grabbed the opportunity of the French Revolution. Perhaps their might be recognition in Europe itself about the atrocities of slavery and human calamity and cultural destruction and pillage caused. I don't see Europe celebrating even Emancipation Day yet we do have Armistice day and grand remembrances for the Berlin Wall fall. Need I go on? While I do not have a problem with the bust for the benefit of perhaps the interested tourist or school tour, I'd much prefer a recognition of others who actually lived and died for their own freedom. fraternite, egalite, liberte?