Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vigie Playing Field……..My Mentor


1 comment:

ixi lixi said...

Thank you Mr Hall for celebrating the Vigie Playing Field.

So grass just might grow there now, eh? I think any young boy who attended school in the Castries Basin would have used that sandy pitch at least once. I personally remember a cricket match there during my R.C. Boys' days.

Further to improving the field, there is a continuing crisis which we brew in the Castries Basin, with a population of over 30,000 persons and its incredibly inadequate sporting and recreation facilities. We will continue to brew stress, indiscipline and underperformance as well as an overall low quality of life until we can begin to make sport and recreation more accessible in the Castries Basin. Land is in short supply and I only hope that if and when the G.F.L. Charles Airport is closed the fair share of it goes towards a major urban park and not a land grab for tourism development.