Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gambling Casinos or Drinkable Water, which?



Anonymous said...

So the SLP had 9 yrs and didn't fix the water issues, that 45,000,000 could have helped but I bet the Rochamel people have clean drinking water.

Anonymous said...

SLP could have fixed all St lucia problems in 9 years, which could not have been fixed in 30 years by the uwp. They had to fix the education problems, health problem, garbage problem, police problem, firemen problem, government offices problem, fisheries problem, prison problem, roads problem, salary problem, etc, etc. The $50 million debt left by the uwp in the SLBGA, that had to be paid by the SLP could also have gone a long way, in fixing problems in St Lucia. That is all some people seem to remember is $45,000,000. i will remind them there is no government in the history of St Lucia who have misused our finances than the uwp government under Compton and that still continues with King. King administration bought a useless building, which will never be used in the near future, unless much more money is spent on it. That is a waste of money which could have been used to fixed the water problems.

Anonymous said...

SLP fix all these problems and still we are in over our heads with crime, bad buildings, garbage and what have you?

Anonymous said...

---What problem in St Lucia---

Stop the blame game. Who is going to accept responsiblity for that mess? It's 2010 by the way not 1960!

Anonymous said...

Yes SLP started fixing the problems, but there should be follow up. St Lucia was kept very clean with STEP, these nomads we have now stop STEP and St Lucia is back in a dirty mess. SLP build the prison all these nomads have to do is to manage it properly, that they cannot do. SLP build the forensic lad to solve some of the murders in St Lucia, after three years these useless government cannot open it yet. So is the mental hospital. SLP was about to build a brand new gen. hospital, after 3 years these nomads have not laid 1 block on it yet. By now SLP would have build a brand new cultural centre for us, etc, etc. What has these nomads built in three years?

Anonymous said...

What does the a private casino has to do with water?? the people who own the mall own the watre company and government?? not like Goverment own thhe Casino choops.

Anonymous said...

Go tell this to your UWP supporters in the Valley who are angry.