Thursday, January 21, 2010

Peeing in public



Anonymous said...

Wear a diaper, Earl.

Anonymous said...

lol. Take it in stride Earl. The poster boy for peeing in public is Keith Mondesir, who whipped out his thing and unrinated all over the SLASPA fence at the Hewannora International Airport. The fence should really have been an electric fence. But alas justice is not that swift

julian Casimir said...

Both views have merits. I now prefer to jam fists with men &women. that way I can still hold a loaf of bread without feelings of dread.
I do think many men do not use discretion.....especially bus drivers and taxi men..they simply open a front door and swoosh the pavement. the paid toilets around the city Mr. Bousquet are quite comfortable.
Especially the one near the City Council.

Anonymous said...

Casimir, how can you say that about our taxi drivers and bus drivers? I an not saying they do not pee in corners, but saying "they simply open a front door and swoosh the pavement" is blatantly over doing it, and you are taking it to far. What ever you have against taxi and bus drivers are obviously showing. I hope you are not closely related to the casimir working at the prison because i call him Cal semer.

lbm said...

I hate to say this ... but the sad reality of MEN PEEING IN PUBLIC stems from their mothers, sisters, female caretakers.

I have seen it time and time again. A male child wants to pee, and SHE immediately takes him outside, pulls his pants down - and the male child pees. All you are either guilty of doing it, or have seen it being done.

As he grows up - he does it, automatically, regardless of his surroundings. And yes, I have seen taxi and bus drivers do it from their open car doors, even in front of me (to "Anonymous #3 ... no prejudice intended, I side with Casimir on this), on three occasions. Yes, they shamefully apologised to me.

Alas, Debbie, Earl, et al: it is a sad reality. I have chided many a female for making a male child pee in public. I've got cursed, ashamed looks, and just "a, a, who she fink she eez, uh!!", even blank stares (sheer confusion).

Message to ALL women out there ... please take heed of when your little man wants to pee - lead him to a toilet. If you cannot find one - ASK!! Toilets are available.

And to ALL men out there who have the urgent need to pee - BE A MAN, FIND A TOILET!! They do exist in most public ( and private) buildings.

Come clean fellas!

Anonymous said...

Ibm, why are you only talking about taxi drivers and bus drivers, think the same could be said to many other drivers. How can we blame our mothers for allowing us to pee on the road side. growing up in St Lucia there were no toilets in business in the City, was only a few freeness in a few places. So as a child where would our mothers find toilet to have us pee? Which public or private buildings these were toilet located when we were growing up?

lbm said...

to the last "Anonymous" ... you never LOOKED!!! As a lady, I KNOW!!!