Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Churches of Little Faith



Anonymous said...

Why did you single out the priests? You are making a mockery of yourself, didn't you see the irony when you wrote that you retracted from your studies of becoming a priest and now you want to go to the valley of death alongside them. They did better than you for they did not backslide and you did.
What about the Pastors and preachers of the other Christian denominations that prey on their followers by demanding they pay tithes and make donations, they should also be out there in the valleies of death.

Anonymous said...

the catholic church is the most powerful relion in the world they must take the lead in this situation, it is time we work together to make our beloved country safe.

Anonymous said...

lion i did not become a priest but he is willing to work with them to tackle difficult problems and this is a great move on his part, he is a man that always fights for poor and misguided people.

Anonymous said...

the catholic church is the most powerful religion in the world they have the most influence, they should take the lead, set the example. all other religions will follow.