Saturday, March 20, 2010




Zapon said...

Why do politicians like Guy Mayers and Richard Frederick believe that a football tournament will bring peace in the community. It's just an idiosyncrasy. Remember Fredericks' football tournament for peace in Central Castries, two years ago. All it braught about was 40 homicides last year. Now Guy Mayers, a man with no plan - "a square peg in a round hole" claims that his Marchand Football Tournament participants will be "gainfully occupied in training and participate in the football tournament." Yaeh right! like training for football is a 24 hour chore. Football is a competition between two sides. Competition foster "bad blood" - a me against you rivalry. And all that Chou money at steake for the winner, there is nothing friendly about the stategy. What the youths of the area need is to be gamefully employed.
Mr Minister, this isn't rocket science technology. It's been tried before and it failed. The idea of a Computer Lab - not confined in your Community Office - but open to the general public makes more sense. If you need some fresh advice, please get in touch with me, I may be able to help you.

Anonymous said...

Zapon - post you so called "fresh advice" on this board. Let the masses decide whether you're not just another "man with no plan" as you have described Mayers.