Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Political Tension in Anse-La-Raye



Anonymous said...

Threatened by the defeat that looms in the air, are we not?
Go Pep!!!!!!!!!

Thommo said...

Every aspiring politician in St. Lucia, eyes Anse-La-Raye as low hanging fruit - it is the easiest to pick. This is the constituency that offers them the best chance of winning elections, and going on to enjoy the trappings of power and incumbency. The constituency is the most polarized and support for both political parties are pretty much even.

Ironically, Anse-La-Raye/Canaries is still the most deprived of the constituencies as far as economic development, and job opportunities. The people are not getting the level of representation they need irrespective of which man or party they vote for. One of my favourite sayings in relation to Anse-La-Raye was; "Win we lose, lose we lose, why bother vote."

Here we are again after decades of utter neglect, backwardness and deprivation still being fought over like the last slice of pizza by politicians who dont give a literal damn about the residents. Shame on both Labour and UWP and shame on the writer for casting aspersions on the motive of Mr. Frederick.

Mr. Frederick and his group have a legitimate grouse and it should be addressed by both parties the time to foist candidates on the people of any constituency is long gone and we should fight the plan to restore that practice.

Mr. Frederick and his group have every right to make their preference known as far as what they desire in a representative. That is the essence of demoracry. Let the people decide whether they want "Pep" or "Vim" or "Who-have-you". The politicians of both parties have demonstrated that they do not have a clue what the needs of the people are and the people of Anse-La-Raye/canaries should fight every attempt to foist carpet baggers upon them.