Monday, March 8, 2010

Pure Doctrine: Principles of Men Against God’s Words



Anonymous said...

You are no different and no better than any other man. Your thoughts and the actions that follow are the same as all man. Putting yourself out there wearing your mask to hide your guilt, and at the same time telling people what God said and did not say is a diversion so you can feel confortable and continue your rip off habits

All man and woman are fallible, People who belong to organize religion do the exact same things all other mortals do, the difference is they are highly secretive, but God knows and sees all things.

Pharisees, Popes, Priests, Pastors Preachers and Prophets (notice they all start with the letter P and so is Punishment) are self appointed so-called men of God who claim to have the authority to tell others what God is all about when they should be concerned about their own individual salvation.

Hypocrites and Parasites demanding tithes, seeds and offerings from people who are burdened with sin.
Why don't you plead with God for forgiveness and give back all the tithes and offerings you have deceptively collected plus the interest, and also the material things you have accumulated back to the poor people in your congregation.

People have to decide things for themselves, like mindless machineries groaning their own tiresome tunes.

Anonymous said...

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15

As spiritual adultery increases in the church, false prophets, elders and deacons will flourish, they invite you to congregate with them at Millet, Augier and Black Bay in order to convert you and have you to tithe.

Tithing in the Old Testament was equivalent to a national tax. The money was used to run the country, support an army, build wall around cities, provide welfare for the widows and orphan children, and support the ruling tribe of Levi. Today the elders in the Church Of God provide none of these services. They spend the money on their Jabals, build houses, radio programs that plead for more money, and expensive travel and lavish retirement plan for the pastor. Modern churches rarely provide any help to widows and orphan children. Pastors who are false teachers are quick to quote Malachi 3:10 calling for the tithe but never quote Malachi 3:5 about exploiting wage earners and widows and orphans. It is truly a shame when a pastor uses coercion and false teaching to obtain money instead of trusting the Lord

The teaching of many preachers is false teaching. The Bible does not promise Salvation and Prosperity to those who give money to these false elders and deacons. They will prosper, not you. These false teachers will burn in the Lake of Fire on judgment day. Preaching tithing is a continual state of sin.