Thursday, April 28, 2011

LPM says: They both have to go!



Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Alphonse ". . . the decision makers and government(s) are not only corrupt but serve as local representatives of foreign corporations, governments, and special interest groups."

At last someone is putting out the real facts. Nonetheless, will the LPM 'walk the talk' and do any better than the other two decadent parties?

POWER CORRUPTS: once in power, who knows how long it will take before they too will become corrupted, and entirely and ONLY self-serving?

Anonymous said...

Let's get some facts straight, Mel.
-Sham democracy copied from former colonial overlords - check!
-A population that is largely illiterate and politically passive & naive - check!
-A population which has a natural expectation that someone else will solve their problems - check!

And you want them to have a "Saul of Tarsus" moment, and be divinely awakened with collective political savvy in time to elect the LPM in the next elections?

Sounds like you've been watching too many Disney movies. I bet your favourite song is "When You Wish Upon a Star."

Anonymous said...

When better is not done, worse will continue. You grin, grind and bear it or (Piton) beer it. You have two parties who people strongly believe should rotate the government so that each side a turn at the spoils and political trough. Until St. Lucians change that most on the outside (who lose the government) will have to grin and beer it. We wallow in the politics where the devil takes the hindmost.

I feel your pain and I feel very sorry for St. Lucia. Compton did not create patriots; he bequeathed us a political culture of party zealots and hopeless idiots.