Saturday, April 30, 2011

Senator backs Francois’ Confirmation in Post



Anonymous said...

It's Pancras stupid, not pancreas.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it enough that law enforcement in Saint Lucia has become politicized? Isn't it enough that Police misconduct goes unchecked and is never punished? Isn't it enough that Police holds absolute power in Saint Lucia and are never legally responsible for their actions? Why is
Jn Marie so eager to confirm Francois's captaincy? I am sure we can do better than Francois who thinks that executing alleged suspects of crime is the best form of proactive policing. Maybe Jn. Marie should hire Francois and his henchmen to be his private bodyguards. As far as i can figure, these guys are more suited to called vigilantes...not law enforcement officers. Francois for Commissioner indeed! The idiocy of these politicians!

Equity said...

Mr. Anonymous, I want to support you in your attempt to vilify the police. However, you need to satisfy me that there were no justification in the police actions. Also, that those responsible have been tried and found guilty of Murder or Manslaughter.