Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Immorality and deceit cannot breed goodness!



Anonymous said...

St. Lucians are fundamentally an immoral lot. Look at who they vote for as representatives! And these highly flawed characters like the drug lord, the liar, the US convict, the PM and the semi-literate are defended daily by highly-regarded talk-show hosts both on radio and TV. There is no one from these two groups with any integrity or redeemable characteristics that one can look up to. So what do you expect from a population relishing and lapping up their daily doses of dander?

Anonymous said...

Blogger #1 DUH!!!!!!!!!!!
GAGA . . . . . . . . . .
BLAH BLAH . . . . . . . .
and potentially EVIL

Anonymous said...

Number 2 is a drunk or someone suffering from age-related mental fog. We have to forgive such, their senior moments. I am so glad that I am not in any way a relative of such mental deterioration.

Ignore that one Number 1. This one must be one of our very celebrated idiots.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2 is a devil worshiper. That person speaks like one possessed by the powers of darkness. St. Lucia is doomed.

Anonymous said...

If it rains heavily in St.Lucia, it must be the fault of the drug lord, the liar, the U.S. convict, the PM, etc., etc.

If it doesn't rain at all, it is still their fault.

If there's an accident on the highway, it is also their fault.

If someone lost his or her job, it is their fault too.

Blogger #1, you have become a pest on the internet, and it's time for someone to silence you!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right blogger #5, and blogger #1 is also #3 and #4. He tries writing in different ways but he's the same old sicko!

Anonymous said...

St. Lucia is idiot country. See how many paid scoundrels are here defending the indefensible.

Anonymous said...

The majority of St. Lucians #7 are indeed very sick people. They need prayer.

Anonymous said...

#8 you might be right - and what a tragedy it is!
I travel all the Caribbean and read all its newspapers regularly and witness this same sickness everywhere. What caused this?; and apart from only prayer, what can be done about this?

Anonymous said...

Breed a smaller population that we can adequately house, feed, clothe and especially educate. Bred a better stock of St. Lucians.

Anonymous said...

"Breed a better stock of St.Lucian"

If you are ashamed of being St.Lucian, go live on the moon; for every society has its outcasts, including St.Lucia.

Anonymous said...

Yes blogger #11!
Blogger #10 is exactly part of what's wrong with St Lucia and our contemporary world. He or she used the word breed: a word normally used in reference to animals. In other words, that blogger purposefully sees St Lucians as animals, which also means he or she MUST also perceive 'itself' as an animal. Think about it blogger #10.
This is truly Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Tell me. Even before they call the state of emergency, you dolts want to put a muzzle on people's mouths?

Because your sense of values is upside down, that does not mean all people are a crooked as you.

Therefore, people who see it as bovine for a group of criminals in the underground narcotics economy should choose to send one of their own, another bovine to represent them in parliament, and those people say that, they should shut up? Really? You think this is Africa? You want to turn this little country into another Columbia, morons?

Anonymous said...

Best just to ignore him - he's beyond hope. He's eating himself up with self-destructive anger. He has nothing positive to give to humanity. POOR JAB!

Anonymous said...

I take it that selling drugs and viciously murdering young people are positive things you have to offer to humanity. You reprobates!

Anon. #1 is right. You people in league with the scumbags of the UWP are nothing but slime balls and scoundrels. See you in hell!

Monika said...

I have read Carlton's article, and I applaud him for such a timely opinion - the subject of which my mother is always complaining about ... "he was a good boy/man". Some women today need to re-evaluate their behaviour and their moral way of thinking. It is truly tiring when they make this tired excuse for their "dollar" being taken away from them. Sadly, how many of them will read, or be told, about this article.

THEN ... I see "Hideous Idius" emerging his ugly head in the discussion section of the article ... as usual, referring to St Lucians as "idiots" (where in this article does his idiocy fit?), and as usual, referring to the present government as drug lords, convicts ... his usual "idyllic" nonsense!!

To "Hideous Idius" - please take my foolish advice, and please write a weekly article where you can spew your "idiotic" garbage on a wider spectrum of unsuspecting readers.

So far, you exhibit an excellent talent for writing. Use it to the best of your ability, instead of hiding behind your "Anonymous" cloak, lurking in the "Discussion" part of articles!!

It is time for you to "come out", in your true blazing, and amazing, colours!!

I dare you!!

Armchair Anonymous said...

Dear Carlton,

"There is white color crime that borders on fraud ..." The true word is "White Collar" Carlton, opposite "Blue Collar".

White Collar refers to office workers, while Blue Collar refers to menial workers.

AND THEN ... woe betide us readers, and bloggers ... "Hideous Idius (I love that name!!), makes his appearance again!! With his political rhetoric which bears absolutely no resemblance to Mr Ishmael's article!!

Mr Hideous Idius ... idiots of a feather, flock together!!

I agree with "Monika" ... you should have your own column in the newspaper. That would be a blast!!

I dare you too!!

Anonymous said...

He will never emerge from under his dark Dracula-like rock: hideous idius and his type are always cowards and are afraid of the LIGHT.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, you up there, go ahead. Keep on burying your heads, your dead, and your victims in delusional escapism. Idiots!

'He was a good boy/man' is ghetto talk from people who have grown dependent with blinkered acceptance on those operating outside of the law. This makes the likes of you above go to the cemetery in regular processions and with futile incantations to a God that has condemned you to your inequities.

Travel just a little bit around the other islands. Hear it for yourselves. One cannot expect to hear the truth from a people who are dying daily in several ways from excessive alcohol intake from so many rum shops.

Is not that one of our major claims to fame is that St. Lucia is one of the highest per capita beer drinkers in the world? We proudly beat our breasts in our drunken stupor. We are paying the price. We have a huge population underclass of drunks, impaired thinkers and people on narcotics. What a sorry lot.

St. Lucia they say, is idiot country. Day ban couyons! Toofay!

Anonymous said...

Dracula! Woye! Which better set of bloodsuckers are there than this UWP government? They are becoming multi-millionaires in four years and the people are becoming poorer. Don't mind the election jobs. After elections the people will be back to sucking salt.

Anonymous said...

Above, you are so very correct! The ministers in this present government, they are all blood suckers, sucking away, mightily fast at what little St Lucia has in its coffers.

For example, how can Rufus Bosquot, just after 4 years in government, can afford a $2,000,000.00 (yes 2 million!!) condo/house at Rodney Bay? How is that possible? The repayment on a load of that magnitude would be much, much more than he is paid. And that's just the tip of the ice-berg.

The other one, the nasty, malicious questionable one (I cannot bring myself to say his name) is scooping up everything in his path, from Marigot, Anse la Raye then to Canaries - amassing an amount in real estates that could rival "The Donalds"...where is the money coming from to pay for all those properties?

The person who kept on saying St Lucia is idiot country is quite right and I will help him say it loud and clear: ST LUCIA IS IDIOT COUNTRY...


Anonymous said...

Daily doses of dander! That's what's on the most listened to radio and TV talk shows in St. Lucia. Oh yes! They serve their three D's with relish. Daily Doses of Dander!

You are right #1 and 21! If you guys need more help, here it is. St. Lucia is idiot country!

Anonymous said...

Blogger #1 DUH!!!!!!!!!!!
GAGA . . . . . . . . . .
BLAH BLAH . . . . . . . .
and potentially EVIL

June 22, 2011 6:22 AM

Tell me Anonymous 2, it is to you all of what you said, and how come, you can not restrain yourself and ignore it?

Tell us then. Who are you kidding? Yourself?

LOL!!! My eyes are full of tears. LOL!!!

You sound like one of those who lap up those daily doses of dander He-he-he!!!