Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Calypso Initiative Injects more Money in to Art-form



Anonymous said...

I suggest we start in the schools and sponsor calyso writing training camps at the school level. My experience as a teacher tells me"you can't teach an old dog new tricks" but what the heck who's going to listen to me.

Armchair Anonymous said...

Some of the better calypsonians started from school, e.g. Pep, Bachelor, to name a few. Notably St Mary's College and the R.C. Boys School.

A lot of the schools HAD their own calypso contests, etc. Is this still so?

Anonymous said...

My experience as a teacher tells me"you can't teach an old dog new tricks"
You don't teach old dogs, you teach the puppies.

Anonymous said...

While this might be a good initiative, I would like to be devil’s advocate by saying that it may be politically motivated. It is true that the standard of calypso in Saint Lucia can always be improved. However, let us not forget that this is an avenue where those with short memories will be reminded that they have indeed suffered under the current administration-the worst ever! It seems almost impossible to win this money. Please allow our calypsonians to express themselves. I’m certain they wouldn’t trade it for this chickenfeed!!