Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Out You Go!



Anonymous said...

Mr. Charlemagne, this is a wonderful idea!!! It has great potential for introducing a new, vital element into genuine democracy in St. Lucia, and indeed the rest of the Caribbean and the world. It reminds me of the hard but necessary decision Kenny Anthony took to remove Walter Francois from the SLP Cabinet, when Kenny got proof of Walter's very grave dishonesty to the people of St. Lucia, about his supposed Doctorate in Economics. I wish to make a few suggestions to improve your idea, and for further discussion of your idea, with a view to present a proposal that CANNOT BE IGNORED, both to the government and the people of St. Lucia. Please let me have here a telephone number (or e-mail) so that I can get in touch with you, for further collaboration on this vital idea. My name is Scarlet.

kensley Peter Charlemagne said...

Hi Scarlet.

Thank you for the constructive feedback. I am happy to collaborate with anyone who has the need of te people at heart and can contribute positively to this campaign. I can be reached at independentlyyours@live.com

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Charlemagne, acknowedging receipt of your e-mail address. I will soon send to you, by next week, my proposals to strengthen and organize your idea, into a sort of document that cannot be neglected by either of the political parties, or the people of St. Lucia. It would be disastrous for them to ignore the proposal, given the quality of the stuff that you will ultimately present to them. Scarlet.