Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Red Flag



Anonymous said...

What we need to realize nowadays is that wars are NO LONGER fought only with bullets and bombs but also with Internet viruses, foods, flu epidemics, AIDS, and in many other ways, even by climate and earthquake control! REALLY!!
We can't take anythings for granted anymore and St Lucia had better watch every-and-anything that enters our borders.

Anonymous said...

Next time, tell your friend that bean sprouts are one of the healthiest foods to eat; and tell him or her to try giving up both unhealthy meats and blinding ignorance.

Anonymous said...

St Lucia should use these food-scares in a positive way by immediately going back to growing and eating mostly homegrown fruits and vegetables; perhaps the Taiwanese could help us with this. With our naturally rich volcanic organic soil (no chemicals please), our homegrown foods would become our very own St Lucian-created "health foods". You can't get any better food than that!; and also give up eating all that harmful imported processed FAKE food.